SimpleStats is a fairly minimalistic web stats package. It will track every request to your app. It consists of two parts: a Rack middleware component that can track information from the server-side processing of a request, and a view helper that tracks information from the client-side of a request.
Both parts can be used independently, and when used together, SimpleStats will automatically store them together in the same MongoDB record.
Mount as engine somewhere in your config/routes.rb
mount SimpleStats::Engine, "/stats"
Include the middleware component in your config/application.rb
config.middleware.use SimpleStats::Middleware
In your layout, add:
$(document).ready(function(){"/stats", {
professional_id: #{},
patient_id: #{},
url: $(location).attr('href'),
browser: {
document: {
width: $(document).width(),
height: $(document).height()
View helpers like
<%= simple_stats_collector(:professional_id => %>
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