This repository holds the data of the surveyed studies and Jupyter notebooks for analysis for the publication "Depositing biological segmentation datasets FAIRly". The notebooks can be launched with the Binder link above or to run locally please follow the instructions below.
The data for the surveyed studies is in the FAIRly_Depositing_Segmentation.csv
The conda environment with the dependencies to run the notebooks can be recreated by:
- Cloning this repository
git clone
- Creating a conda environment from the env.yaml file
conda env create -f <path_to_cloned_repo>/env.yaml
- Activate the conda environment
conda activate analysis
- Launch Jupyter notebooks
jupyter notebook
Please use the GitHub issue tracker to submit bugs.
Copyright Rosalind Franklin Institute, 2024.
Distributed under the terms of the Apache-2.0 license, this repository is free and open source software.