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Moodle - Mood Tracking Project


This was the second project and my first full stack application. The project requirements were as follows:

  • Have at least two data entities
  • Use Auth0 of some kind
  • Have full CRUD capabilities
  • (optional) consume a third party API

I decided to build a mood tracking app, where users would be able to enter their mood data based on the best predictors of mood. The app would then allow them to see trends that help them understand and take action to course-correct if they desire. This was based on my interest in mental health and my inability to detect mood changes in myself.

The app was designed and built in 6 days. The deployed version can be found HERE.

Tech Stack

  • Vue
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • Bootstrap
  • MongoDB



I used a Miro board HERE to plan what I want to do with this project.

As a topic I'm very interested in, I want to consider what I could build in 5 days, but also what I could build in the future. I started with a Lean Business Model to ensure I had a good grasp of the value of this product. I then started with creating a User Story map to get a broad view of the product and then reduced it down to what I believed the user would actually use AND satisfy the project criteria.

I then moved on to create some basic wireframe so I'd thought out the overall layout and user flow. Then finally I created an ERD diagram so I was ready to start building the backend for the data.

For each increment I would write pseudocode, again with the purpose of helping me focus on what exactly I wanted to achieve with each piece of code I was writing.


  • First I created my Homepage and the other key components I knew I would need from my wireframes.
* I then used the Google Auth library to add the ability to Sign Up, Login and Logout. I used a small piece of code to check in each component if a user is signed in.
mounted() {
       if (this.$cookies.isKey('user_session')) {
           this.isLoggedIn = true
           const userData = decodeCredential(this.$cookies.get('user_session'))
           this.userName = userData.given_name
       } else {
           this.$router.replace({ path: `/` })

* Next I built out the end to end functionality to add a mood entry. This meant creating the form, setting out the inputs, setting up the backend API routes, creating the Mongo models and schemas. This was the most time consuming. 

``` javascript
const entrySchema = new mongoose.Schema ({
 name:  String,
 entryDate: Date,
 lifeWork: Number,
 lifeFamily: Number,
 lifeFriends: Number,
 lifeFinances: Number,
 mindMood: Number,
 mindStress: Number,                  
 mindWorry: Number,
 mindControl: Number,
 mindOptimism: Number,                   
 activityExercise: Number,
 activityHabits: Number,
 activityDrugs: Number,
 notes: String,
 user: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User'},
 weather: {type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'newWeather'}

const newEntry = mongoose.model('newEntry', entrySchema)
  • Next adding the edit and delete functionality was much more straightforward.
  • Finally, to add the Weather data for a mood entry, I found a suitable provider and created the Mongo models and schemas that would store a weather entry embedded into a mood entry:'/entry/add', async (req, res) => {
 let weatherLocation ={}
 let weatherCurrent = {}
 .then (result => result.json())
 .then (data => {
   weatherLocation = data.location
   weatherCurrent = data.current.condition
   const weather = new newWeather ({
     locationLocaltime: weatherLocation.localtime,
     currentConditionText: weatherCurrent.text,
     currentIcon: weatherCurrent.icon,
     currentCode: weatherCurrent.code
  .then (async () => {
     try {
       const now = new Date()
       const user = await User.findOne({userEmail:})
       const newEntryForDb = new newEntry ({
         user: user,
         entryDate: now,
         lifeWork: req.body.lifeWork,
         lifeFamily: req.body.lifeFamily,
         lifeFriends: req.body.lifeFriends,
         lifeFinances: req.body.lifeFinances,
         mindMood: req.body.mindMood,
         mindStress: req.body.mindStress,         
         mindWorry: req.body.mindWorry,
         mindControl: req.body.mindControl,
         mindOptimism: req.body.mindOptimism,         
         activityExercise: req.body.activityExercise,
         activityHabits: req.body.activityHabits,
         activityDrugs: req.body.activityDrugs,
         notes: req.body.notes,
         weather: weather
       return res.status(200).json(newEntryForDb)
     catch (err) {

Future Developments


  • Weather is based on London weather, it's not dynamic for a user.


I'd love to add:

  • Add some graphs to visual trends for users
  • Provide some genuinely 'wow' insight for users about their state of mind, possibly using an AI API
  • Find a way to share some kind of summary with friends and/or family (or maybe colleagues?)
  • Make it less data-entry like and more human, e.g. record users verbal diary, transcribe and then analyse for sentiment.



  • Auth was tricky
  • Weather API didn't work as expected (because they lied about their pay model)
  • Learning the VUE way of doing things.
  • Getting dates rendering correctly.


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