- I have no time to write more tests ;_;
WIP... Relies on a generic vector implementation.
- The code is C99 (and upwards) compatible. Compiles with gcc, tcc, clang
- The goal is dynamically easy to use, fast, reusable and secure handling of strings.
- The idea is making use of a generic vector and expanding it to fit our needs. (In fact,
there is currently only one function implemented within
, that isstr_fmt
which acts similarly to howsprintf
would. Everything else comes fromvec.h
) - Clean your strings with
#include "str.h"
int main(void)
Str string = {0};
printf("string is %s empty\n", str_empty(&string) ? "indeed" : "not");
str_fmt(&string, "Hello"); /* str_fmt always appends... I basically only ever use this function :) */
str_push_back(&string, ',');
str_push_back(&string, ' ');
str_fmt(&string, "World!");
printf("string is %s empty\n", str_empty(&string) ? "indeed" : "not");
printf("back of string : %c\n", str_get_back(&string)); /* '!' */
printf("front of string : %c\n", str_get_front(&string)); /* 'H' */
printf("%s\n", string.s); /* "Hello, World!" */
printf("string length : %zu\n", str_length(&string)); /* 13 */
printf("%s\n", string.s); /* "!dlroW ,olleH" */
str_swap(&string, 0, str_length(&string) - 1);
printf("%s\n", string.s); /* "HdlroW ,olle!" */
Str copy = {0};
str_copy(©, &string);
printf("%s\n", copy.s); /* "HdlroW ,olle!" */
printf("reserved %zu bytes [in string]\n", str_reserved(&string)); /* 32 bytes */
printf("cleared string: [%.*s]\n", STR_F(©)); /* !!! anytime printing anything, this is the correct way of doing so !!! (see 12 lines below; direct access to .s field may or may not be dangerous, especially if there are operations (such as pop) happening at the front of the string !!!) */
str_fmt(©, "re-using those %zu byes!", str_reserved(©));
printf("string fmt after clear: %s\n", copy.s);
printf("reserved %zu bytes after free [in copy]\n", str_reserved(©)); /* 0 bytes */
printf("reserved %zu bytes after all above [in string]\n", str_reserved(&string)); /* 32 bytes */
char pop = 0;
str_pop_front(&string, &pop); /* pop is an optional argument, pass 0 to ignore */
printf("pop front : %c\n", pop); /* 'H' */
str_pop_back(&string, &pop);
printf("pop back : %c\n", pop); /* '!' */
printf("string after pop : %s [expected to be incorrect, mainly due to directly accessing the struct] \n", string.s); /* "HdlroW ,olle!" */
printf("string after pop : %.*s [correct access]\n", STR_F(&string)); /* "dlroW ,olle" */
printf("string after shrink : %s\n", string.s); /* "dlroW ,olle" */
str_push_front(&string, '_');
str_insert_at(&string, 3, 'X');
str_set_at(&string, 10, 'Y');
printf("after modification : %s\n", string.s); /* "_dlXroW ,oYle" */
printf("string length : %zu\n", str_length(&string)); /* 13 */
str_free(&string); /* clean up */
printf("after free reserved %zu bytes\n", str_reserved(&string)); /* 0 bytes */
printf("string length : %zu\n", str_length(&string)); /* 0 */
return 0;
- lower
- upper
- concat etc -> vec
- find etc -> vec