RPICoin v0.1.2
It's NOT mandatory to upgrade to version v0.1.2 - but we do advise you to upgrade to the latest release.
Before doing anything. backup your wallet.dat file ( File -> Backup wallet) ideally on to a different location (f.e. encrypted pen-drive).
- Re-brand
** Updated the Splash screen
** logo's and icons have been replaced - Resolved an issues in the gettransaction call rpc
- Increased the staking combine threshold from 500 to 5000 RPI splits
(With this we should have a lot less splits, which makes coin-control a bit better to manager).
Download pre-build Wallets for your O.S.
Initial release, including 32 bits Windows Qt Wallet, OSX Qt Wallet, the (rpicoind) daemon and (gui) Qt for Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distros and a pre-build Daemon/Qt Wallet for Raspberry Pi
Android Mobile Staking Wallet
Stay Tuned! We will release the wallet anytime soon