Technology agnostic web applications Communication System. Web Events API foundations.
is an NPM package inspired by the need of Micro UI/FrontEnd apps to communicate between each other in a loosely fashion.
Micro UI/FrontEnd apps are independents web applications which keeps communications and coupling to a minimum an solves business requirements independently.
These instructions will show how to install the package and start using it.
If you are interested in the details implementation you can check the Semi-auto generated code documentation or the source code.
Basic understanding about how to work with es modules
and commonjs
Basic knowledge about npm link
use to work with this project locally without to install it on its consumers apps.
Install the package into your project.
$ npm install @rproenza/micro-frontend-events-portal
import { AppsPortal } from '@rproenza/micro-frontend-events-portal';
// Create portals controller
const appsPortal = new AppsPortal();
// Register app into the portals controller
const appAEventPortal = appsPortal.registerApp(registrationObjectAppA);
// Subscribe app to events of interest
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_B-ADDED-Bss') // => appAEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_B-ADDED-Bss' events
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss'); // => appAEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss' events
// Register app into the portals controller
const appBEventPortal = appsPortal.registerApp(registrationObjectAppB);
// Subscribe app to events of interest
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass') // => appBEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass' events
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_A-DELETED-Ass'); // => appBEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_A-DELETED-Ass' events
// Publishing apps events
appAEventPortal.notifyEvent('EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass', eventPayload); // => appBEventPortal is notified about the 'EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass' event
appBEventPortal.notifyEvent('EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss', eventPayload); // => appAEventPortal is notified about the 'EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss event
const appANotifiedLogs = appsPortal.logs.getAppNotifiedEvents(appAName);
* => appANotifiedLogs =
* {
* 'EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss': [{eventDetailObject}], // Events notified
* }
const appBPublishedLogs = appsPortal.logs.getAppPublishedEvents(appBName);
* => appBPublishedLogs =
* {
* 'EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass': [{eventDetailObject}], // Events notified
* }
var AppsPortal = require('@rproenza/micro-frontend-events-portal').AppsPortal;
// Create portals controller
var appsPortal = new AppsPortal();
// Register app into the portals controller
var appAEventPortal = appsPortal.registerApp(registrationObjectAppA);
// Subscribe app to events of interest
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_B-ADDED-Bss') // => appAEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_B-ADDED-Bss' events
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss'); // => appAEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss' events
// Register app into the portals controller
var appBEventPortal = appsPortal.registerApp(registrationObjectAppB);
// Subscribe app to events of interest
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass') // => appBEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass' events
.listenEvent('EVENT_APP_A-DELETED-Ass'); // => appBEventPortal is now listening for 'EVENT_APP_A-DELETED-Ass' events
// Publishing apps events
appAEventPortal.notifyEvent('EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass', eventPayload); // => appBEventPortal is notified about the 'EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass' event
appBEventPortal.notifyEvent('EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss', eventPayload); // => appAEventPortal is notified about the 'EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss event
var appANotifiedLogs = appsPortal.logs.getAppNotifiedEvents(appAName);
* => appANotifiedLogs =
* {
* 'EVENT_APP_B-DELETED-Bss': [{eventDetailObject}], // Events notified
* }
var appBPublishedLogs = appsPortal.logs.getAppPublishedEvents(appBName);
* => appBPublishedLogs =
* {
* 'EVENT_APP_A-ADDED-Ass': [{eventDetailObject}], // Events notified
* }
- PRs require at least one reviewer's approval.
- PRs require all automated checks have passed.
- Ultimate responsibility for merging PRs rests with submitter after receiving approval. However, as a courtesy the reviewer should merge the PR after reviewing and delete the branch.
$ git clone
$ cd cov:check
$ npm ci
Lint and unit test the project
$ npm run test
Rebuild, run tests, then create and open the coverage report
$ npm run cov
One-step: clean, build, test, publish docs, and prep a release
# Prepare a standard release:
$ npm run prepare-release
This command runs the following tasks:
: cleans the repo by removing all untracked files and resetting--hard
to the latest commit. (Note: this could be destructive.)test
: build and fully test the projectdocs:html
: generate the latest version of the documentationdocs:publish
: publish the documentation to GitHub Pagesversion
: bump package.json version, update, and git tag the release
When the script finishes, it will log the final command needed to push the release commit to the repo and publish the package on the npm
$ git push --follow-tags origin master; npm publish
Look over the release if you'd like, then execute the command to publish everything.
You can also prepare a non-standard release:
# Or a non-standard release:
# Reset the repo to the latest commit and build everything
$ npm run reset && npm run test && npm run cov:check && npm run doc:html
# Then version it with standard-version options. e.g.:
# don't bump package.json version
$ npm run version -- --first-release
- - CI/CD service. Testing, deployment and release
- Codecov - Unit test Coverture, code review workflow and quality
- CodeFactor - Automated code quality review
- DeepScan - Code review checks for runtime errors and quality issues
- Codebeat - Automated code review help you prioritize issues find refactoring opportunities and identify quick wins in your applications
- BetterCodeHub - Definition of Done for code quality
This project is tooled for conventional changelog to make managing releases easier. See the standard-version documentation for more information on the workflow, or
for an example.
- Raul R. Proenza
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Inspired on single-spa communication solution.
- At its core this application implements several Design Patterns and Principles such as:
- GoF Design Pattern
- Behavioral Patterns:
- Observer
- Strategy
- Chain of responsibility
- Command
- Mediator
- Template
- Creational Patterns:
- Factory method
- Behavioral Patterns:
- GRASP Design Principles
- Low coupling
- Low Coupling
- Controller
- Polymorphism
- Expert
- Controlled variation
- Creator
- GoF Design Pattern
- This project is the result of the learning lessons and acquired experiences from the event-distributor project.