Scribe allows you to setup migrations for your Elixir projects.
Add scribe and postgres as mix dependencies. Note: Scribe only supports postgres at the moment, if you want to use another database adapter please contribute!
defp deps do
[ {:scribe, github: "rramsden/scribe"},
{:pgsql, github: "semiocast/pgsql"} ]
Initialize a mix project with scribe
mix scribe.init #=> CREATE db/migrations
CREATE db/scribe.conf
CREATE lib/my_module/tasks/db.ex
mix compile # needed to run custom mix tasks
Add your database settings in db/scribe.conf
adapter: "postgres",
host: "localhost",
database: "database",
user: "user",
password: "password"
Run a Mix Task
mix db.migration some_migration_name # create a migration
mix db.migrate # run migrations
mix db.rollback # roll a migration back
mix db.drop # drop database
mix db.create # create database