Lid-driven cavity flow is a well known problem in the field of fluid dynamics. It is commonly used as a benchmark problem to verify new simulation methods for incompressible viscous flows.
The problem can be described as follows. Consider the two-dimensional domain depicted in the image above, we have a closed cavity with side lengths lx=ly= 1. The top wall (the lid) is moving in the positive x-direction with a constant unit velocity (Vx). The other three walls are stationary, and the velocities in the y-direction (Vy) are zero for all the walls. The cavity is filled with an incompressible, viscous fluid in which a flow is induced by the moving lid.
The file contains code to find the velocity and pressure profiles in the rectangular domain by solving for the stream function and vorticity field of the vorticity form of the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations are solved using the finite difference (FD) method in conjunction with relaxation and successive over-relaxation (SOR). Additional details, along with plots for different flow cases, can be found in the report.