Code snippets and notebooks used in PDS classes.
All (almost) codes are in Python3 language.
If you want to run the examples locally, I recomend you to use an python environment as follows:
- Create and enter virtual environment
virtualenv --clear env
source env/bin/activate
- Install adam requirements to the virtual env
- `pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install plugin requirements to the virtual env
- ufpbots example:
pip install -r ufpbots/requirements.txt
- quantization: 1d signal quantization examples
- quantization2: 2d signal quantization examples
- nyquist: Shannon-Nyquist Sampling Theorem examples
- impulse: Impulse signal examples
- step: Step signal examples
- operations: Signal operations examples
- convolution: Convolution function example
- digital filters: Digital Filters notebook explanation
- dft (jupyter notebook): Discrete Fourier Transform notebook
- fft (jupyter notebook): Fast Fourier Transform notebook
All home works are jupyter notebooks. These files can be opened using google-colab.
- TP01 - Convolução linear de duas dimensões.
- TP02 - Efeitos de operações lineares em sinais de audio
- TP03 - Quantização Lei-A e Lei-u
- TP04 - Fuções de Janelamento
- TP05 - Espectrograma
- TP07 - Processamento e Compactação de imagem
- TP08 - Comunicação Digital
- TP09 - Filtragem FIR (IIR - talvez)
- arroz e feijao: Audio wave file used in some examples (SPOLTECH audio file)
- barbara: Image (png) file used in some examples
- paganini: Audio wave file used in some examples (from wikimedia)
- table notes: Image containing the frequencies of musical tones. Don't know the author.
- transmission: Recorded example used in TP07
- lena: Image (png) file used in TP08
- Melhorar exemplo Exemplo não está tão claro como deveria estar (pouco eficiente na apresentacao).
- TP02.ipynb: Adicionar/melhorar os comentários e comandos de questões.
- Colocar as aulas e arquivos utilizados por aula no README