Get it from the Chrome Web Store:
Right click on the icon, choose options, and enter the name of the machine and the URL of your server in the boxes.
To enable local low battery notifications, set a threshold. Notifications will trigger when your battery reaches that threshold and every 10% thereafter.
The server receives POST messages from the extension and pushes them to a Prometheus Push Gateway.
Usage of ./server.bin:
-port int
port for http server to listen on (default 7088)
-pushgateway string
pushgateway address (default "localhost:9091")
If -pushgateway
is empty, nothing will be pushed, but you can scrape the
- name: battery
- record: last_updated_ago
expr: time() - last_updated{job="battery-monitor"}
- alert: BatteryLow
expr: level{job="battery-monitor", instance="somehostname"} < 40 and on (instance) last_updated_ago{job="battery-monitor"} < 600
for: 3m
severity: page
summary: "{{ $labels.instance }} battery at {{ $value }}%"
By design, this extension regularly "phones home" to the URL specified in the configuration. It has no default destinaton. It could be abused by a bad actor to track someone's IP address or when they have their laptop unlocked.
This is not an official Google project.