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blogdown 0.19

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@yihui yihui released this 22 May 21:59


  • The "Filename" field in the "New Post" addin in RStudio will use the "Slug" value (if provided) to create the base filename (thanks, @maelle, #448).

  • For blogdown::build_site(method = 'html', run_hugo =TRUE), if the R script R/build2.R exists, it will be executed after Hugo has built the site. This can be useful if you want to post-process the site (thanks, @Chrisjake, #458).

  • Added functions shortcode_open() and shortcode_close() so users can write the opening and closing shortcodes separately from the inner content, and the inner content can be processed by Pandoc (thanks, @tcwilkinson, #449).


  • blogdown no longer renders .Rmd documents within a packrat / renv library folder, for blog posts whose associated R libraries are managed by these packages (thanks, @kevinushey, #451).

  • The "Language" field in the "New Post" addin in RStudio now shows up regardless of the capitalization of the defaultContentLanguage parameter in config.toml (thanks @mpaulacaldas, #442).

  • Correctly identifies "Windows X.Y x64" as a 64bit operating system, so the extended version of Hugo can be installed (thanks, @anna-doizy, #461).