This project contains the exercises for the ruby@uniovi workshop (day 2). Slides with some extra information can be found on Speaker Deck.
ruby@uniovi is a 2-day workshop which will be held in the University of Oviedo (Spain), from 4th to 6th March 2015.
Experience how it feels to work as a professional web developer for a few hours while completing the User Stories provided in this Trello board.
The recommended way to work with this sample app is within the ruby@uniovi virtualized development environment.
Refer to for installation instructions.
Open the project folder with Sublime Text 2 (subl /vagrant/projects/jukebox-sinatra
from the command line) to easily edit the code.
This software has been created exclusively for educational purposes.
Workshop materials are under active development, so... use them at your own perice and let us know how it goes :)