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Word Cloud

A Word Cloud widget implemented as reusable React component. Live Demo.

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Uses d3-cloud layout, which itself is an extension to excellent D3.js data visualization library.


React, D3.js, d3-cloud, Immutable.js

Demo app project uses jquery.get() method to fetch initial data. jQuery itself does not required.


Combine the power of D3 data visualization with React Components technology to create easy to use, self-contained component. Utilize power of React virtual DOM technology.


This repo contains a simple React application project utilizing Word Cloud widget. Widget itself located in components/wordcloud folder.

You must have latest node.js, npm and bower installed.

Use git clone to download this repo. Change working dir.

Run npm install and bower install, to download components.

Use npm start to start a local http server, then open browser on

To rebuild application bundle with webpack use npm run build. To start webpack dev server use npm run dev. To run Karma tests use npm test. Edit karma.conf.js and select only installed browsers.


This component heavily uses latest Webpack features:

  • webpack dev server
  • all in one packaging and bundling
  • production build minification of JavaScript and CSS
  • JSX and ES6 transpiling with babel
  • CSS bundling using CommonJS standard require()
  • CSS processing and SASSy syntax with postcss
  • module hot re-loading
  • karma-webpack browser testing

d3-cloud layout library is a robust implementation of Wordle word cloud layouting algorithm. It uses HTML5 canvas and sprite masks to achieve precise words placement and speed.

This component uses d3-cloud to calculate layout of words and React to render resulting DOM. Chart rendered using svg <text> elements.

Immutable.js is used to prevent unnecessary recalculation of words layout.

Words sorted by popularity, split into buckets corresponding to different font sizes, and placed, starting from largest, by Archimedean spiral around the chart field without rotation. Words rotation is disabled to achieve more formal data representation. Component support fixed and random words placement. Words colored by sentiment score to green, grey and red color.

When word is clicked, it become active. Active word displayed underlined, metadata about the topic displayed in table on right side of a widget.

Usage and API

To successfully build and package new application containing this component, similar webpack-based environment has to be established.

To use Word Cloud widget in a new application, whole components/wordcloud folder has to be copied to the same location in your application.

To place Word Cloud widget in app just put <WordCloud {...props}/> tag in your render function. See app/app.js for an example.

Component properties

Widget supports following properties, which has to be put explicitly or using ES6 destructuring assignment {...props} from object, containg properties.


Type: Immutable.List

Optional, default: new Immutable.List()

Collection of topics. This is an Array-like object of words data. The main difference, that on every change it creates new version of whole object, leaving previous intact. This allows simple comparison of objects refs to detect changes.

Topic structure:

  "id": "_1234567_",
  "label": "Topic word",
  "volume": 165,
  "sentiment": {
    "negative": 3,
    "neutral": 133,
    "positive": 29
  "sentimentScore": 65


Type: String

Optional, default: Word Cloud

Title of a widget


Type: Number

Optional, default: 800

Width of a widget in px


Type: Number

Optional, default: 300

Height of a widget in px


Type: String

Optional, default: Open Sans

Name of the font of word cloud. This font should be mentioned in wordcloudchart.css and linked to index page.


Type: Array[Number]

Optional, default: [10, 12, 16, 20, 30, 40]

Array of font sizes. All topics data would be spilt to fontSizes.length of buckets by linear mapping using popularity of topics (volume field).


Type: Boolean

Optional, default: false

If false, widget places topmost topic to the center, otherwise - random position within chart area bounds


Type: Boolean

Optional, default: false

If true, activates topmost topic and loads its data to the table, otherwise table is empty




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