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Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services. Free to join, pay only for what you use. This blog will help you understand different services and resources that aws provides. This is incomplete, currently contains content that I have learned so far, I will update this from time to time.

Table of Contents


Identity and access management is a we service of aws which helps us to manage aws resources and let us define who and upto what limit they can access or use allocated aws resource under the supervision of certain rules.

IAM Components

IAM provides us the capability of creating sub-users for accessing the same aws account and resources that you have, using this functionality you can create different users with different capabilities or permission for accomplishing different tasks.

A collection of IAM users is an IAM Group. It used to define rules or permission which is common for multiple users. Any user added to this group will inherit all the permission defined for that particular group. This is just for reducing administrative load.

Roles are similar to users but in this case permission and credentials are alloted to resources or entities instead od users on aws. It is basically used to control the accessibilty of resources over other resources on aws.

These are the sets of rules and permission which is used to restrict users and roles. In aws we can define rules on json format or we can use UI provided by aws.

How users can access AWS:

  • AWS management console (protected by password/MFA)
  • AWS Command line interface (protected by access key)
  • AWS Software developer kit (sdk) for programmatic accessibilty

IAM Security and auditing

It is very important for aws users to monitor and audit its users. In IAM this can be achieved by

  • IAM credentials reports (account-level): A report that list all your account users and status of their credentails.
  • IAM access advisor (user-level): Access advisor shows the service permission granted to a user and when those were last accessed.

IAM PASSWORD POLICY - strong password means higher security, so inorder to focus on this, IAM uses passwor policy it allows aws account user to define password creation rules for its user, It provides a set of rules that user can follow in order to update password

IAM Guidelines and best practices

  • Don't use root account except for aws account setup, in other cases try to access aws resources using sub user account with restricted permission.
  • Always assign users to group and then assign polices to it.
  • Create strong password policy and try to enforce the use of MFA (mutli factor authentication).
  • Use access key for programmatic access (sdk/cli).
  • Always audit permissions of your account using IAM credentials report and IAM access advisor.



EC2 stands for elastic compute cloud, it is a virtual server used for running applications on aws infrastucture. Knowing EC2 is fundamental to understanding how cloud works

EC2 Sizing

EC2 user data

EC2 user data is used to automate boot tasks such as installing updates, downloading common files, starting web servers. It is basically a script which runs only once when the instance first starts.

EC2 Instance type

The aws instances types are as follows:

  1. General purpose instances
  2. Compute optimized instances
  3. Memory optimized instances
  4. Storage optimized instances
  5. Accelerated computing instances

General purpose instances

  • These are the instances with balanced computational, memory and networking resources.
  • It's utilized where your application does not required any enchanced optimization in any particular resource area.
  • General purpose instances are utilized for small gaming servers, small data centers and for personal projects.
  • Examples of general purpose instances - t2.micro, m6a instance
  • Application - web server, CDN (content deliver network), development and test environment, practice and learning.

Compute optimized instances

  • These are the instances with heavy CPU computational power.
  • These are employed for high scaling web server, game server, machine learning models, batch processing workloads
  • Example - c5d.24large

Memory optimized instances

  • Memory optimized instances are used to compute large datasets in memory (RAM).
  • Basically it is used to run application which requires a lot of memory with high performance.
  • Generally deployed to run application that requires real time processing of a significant volume of data.
  • Examples - R7g.medium
  • Application - In memory database, big data processing

Storage optimized instances

  • These are created for workloads which requires high and fast sequential read and write access to huge database.
  • Example - Im4Gn

Accelerated computing instances

  • These are utilized for applications which requires graphical computations.
  • Basically used to execute specific operation more effectively than normal CPU's.
  • Application - to compute floating point calculation, pattern matching, graphical processing.

AWS Free tier offer free t2.micro general purpose instance upto the certain limit of 750 hours per month

Instances size

EC2 instance purchasing options

Following are the purchasing options that ec2 provides for it's users -

  1. EC2 on demand
  2. EC2 reserved
  3. Saving plans
  4. Scheduled reserved instances
  5. Dedicated instances
  6. Dedicated host
  7. Spot instances
  8. EC2 capacity reservations

EC2 on demand

  • Pay for what you use.
  • It has highest cost but no upfront payment.
  • It does not have long term commitment.

EC2 Reserved Instances

  • It helps to reduce cloud spends.
  • Aws gives 72% discount on these types of instances as compared to On-demand.
  • It provides discount based on committed utilization of resources for a certain period of time.
  • It is the most economical option for increasing profits.
  • Follow billed by hour model.
  • Reserved instances are best suited if consistent heavy use is expected.
  • Reserved instances are same as On-demand instances but with a heavy discount and reserved for certain period of time.
  • Once purchased, the reservation cannot be cancelled but you can sell it on reserved instance marketplace.
  • Payment option - no upfront, partial upfront or all upfront.
  • Reserved instances has four variable that determine it's price - instance type (t2.micro, m4.large), region, tenancy (shared(default) or single-tenant) and platform (os- windows, linux).
  • Commitment - 1 year or 3 years
  • Classes - standard and convertible
    Standard provides more discount but can be modified (within a same family) whereas convertible has lower discount rates but it can be exchanged with other convertible reserved instance with different attributes and it can also be modified.
  • modification - Availability zone, instance size (within a same instance family) and scope can be modified.
  • Two or more reserved instances can be merged ito single reserved instances.

EC2 Saving plans

  • It is similar to reserved instance but provides more flexibility.
  • It provides dicount based on amount of money you commit to spending on aws resources per hour.
  • Saving plan offer multiple location/region and usage types, when needed we can repurpose ec2 instance and transfer whole workload across instance types regardless of os and tenancy where as in reserved instances we could use reserved standard instances with various instances types but we need to have linux os and default tenancy.
  • Saves upto 72% on ec2 instances as compared to on-demand ec2 instances.
  • Payment - all upfront, partial upfront, no upfront.
  • Commitment - 1 year or 3 year.
  • After the completion of commitment if not renewed, the instances will cost as per on-demand ec2 instances.
  • Aws offers three types of saving plans - Ec2 instance saving plan, Compute saving plan and Amazon sage maker saving plan.

Dedicated instance

  • These instances run in a VPC on hardware that's dedicated to a single customer. - The instance is physically isolated at the host hardware level from instance that belongs to other AWS accounts.
  • These instances may share hardware with other instances belonging to same AWS account.
  • Paying on-demand can save up to 70% by purchasing reversed instaces or can save up to 90% by purchasing spot instances.
  • Generally used for security reason, because a dedicated instance will be the only resource on the server, so no one else will be able to access your server and snoop about checking out your data.

Dedicated hosts

  • Dedicated instances reserve the entire server while if we use dedicated host it allows us to reserve an entire server and run additional EC2 instances at the same time.
  • Provides visibility of the number of sockets and physical cores.
  • Provides additional visibilty and control over how instances are placed on a physical server.
  • We can deploy our instances with different and controlled configurations.

Spot instances

  • These are those instances which are in not use, so AWS provides them to user at a discounted price due to extra capacity availability. But these comes at risk because AWS can pull these off whenever required with a 2 min timer.
  • The prices varies depending upon demand.
  • Can reduce cost upto 90% of on demand EC2 instance.
  • Used for Machine learning, CI/CD operations, Big data, Batch scripting and training.
  • Spot capacity pool - A set of unsed EC2 instances
  • Spot price - The current price of a spot instance per hour/
  • Spot instance request - Requests a spot instance, when capacity is available, Amazon EC2 fulfills your requests.
  • Spot instance interruption - Amazon EC2 terminates, stops or hibernate your instance when Amazon needs the capacity back. Amazon provides a notice before 2 min of interrupted.

Security group

Security group are essential part of security within the AWS ecosystem. It is used to control how traffic is allowed into or out of aws ecosystem. Basically it acts an firewall for aws. It is very important for users to understand how and when to use security group because they are directly responsible for the security of their application and it's security group in aws that helps them to achieve this.

Don't and Do's with Security groups

  • Don't allow all inbound access ( to aws, try to restrict neccessary ip from accessing aws resources.
  • Don't allow all outbound access ( to aws, try to restrict neccessary ip from outbound access.
  • Don't create security group one each for ec2 instance, try to use some strategy to combine similar usage entity into a single security group.
  • Try to enforce a security group for each and every aws resources.
  • Always try to restrict traffic appropriately, don't rely on default security rules.

EBS Volume

  • EBS stands for elastic store block. It is a network drive that can be attached to instances while they run.
  • It allows intances to persist data even after their termination.
  • EBS can be mounted to one instance at a time (at the Certified Cloud Practitioner(CCP) level). EBS can only have one instances at a time but instances can have multiple EBS attached to them at a moment.
  • EBS are bound to a specific availability zone. An EBS volume in us-east-1-a cannot be attached to us-east-1-b. To move volumes across zone, you need to take a snapshot.
  • It is a network drive means needs network to communicate with instance which result into latency.
  • With Free tier we can use upto 30 GB per month of EBS storage of type General purpose (SSD) or magnetic.


EBS Snapshot

EBS snapshots are the backups for our EBS volumes taken at a point in time. These are also called incremental backup because only the blocks on device that have changed since last snapshot is taken as backups. This saves times to create snapshot and also helps to save storage cost by not duplicating data. We can also take snapshot and can copy data across different Availability zone or region.


AMI overview

  • AMI stands for amazon machine image.
  • These are customized EC2 instance with pre installed softwares, configuration and operating system.
    • This provides faster boot/configuration time because of all pre packaged softwares and configurations.
  • AMI are built for specific region but we can copy these across region.
  • We can launch EC2 instance from
    • Public AMI
    • Our own self created AMI
    • An AWS marketplace AMI
  • We can create AWS AMI using followings:
    • Start an EC2 instance and customize it (add softwares, configurations etc...)
    • then stop the instance
    • build an AMI from it, this will also create EBS snapshot.
    • now, we can start our AMI as EC2 instance.

EBS volume types

AWS provides following ebs volume types based on performance, performance and storage capacity.

  • SSD (Solid State drive)
    • General purpose SSD (gp2/gp3)
      • Used for general purpose workload.
      • Cost effective and low latency, ranges from size 1 Gib to 16 Tib.
      • GP2
        • maximum throughput of 160 MiB/s.
        • provides a baseline performance of 3 IOPS per 1Gb storage.
        • also have an ability to brust upto 3000 IOPS for volume size of less than 1 Tb and 16,000 IOPS at 5334 Gib.
      • GP3
        • provides a consistent baseline rate of 3,000 IOPS and 125 MiB/s.
        • additional IOPS (upto 16,000) and throughput (upto 1,000 Mib/s) can be added for additional cost.
    • Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1/io2)
      • Used for intensive I/O workloads, like database workload (sensitive to storage and consistency).
      • Used for critical business applications with sustained IOPS performance.
      • Can be used for application which require more than 16,000 IOPS.
      • IOPS rate can be specified when the volume is created.
      • Size can range from 4Gib to 16Tib.
      • have a throughput limit range of 256 Kib for each IOPS, upto a maximum of 600 MiB/s (at 32000 IOPS).
  • HDD (Hard disk drives)
    • St1
      • Throughput optimized HDD volumes provides low cost magnetic storage that defines performance in terms of throughput rather than IOPS.
      • Is good for large, sequential workload such as data warehousing and log processing.
    • Sc1
      • Cold HDD volumes provides low cost magnetic storage that defines performance in terms of throughput rather than IOPS.
      • It has lower throughput limit than St1 which makes it ideal for large cold sequential workload.


EFS stands for elastic file system. It is fully managed storage provided by AWS and can be accessed by multiple EC2 instances concurrently.

  • It uses NFS (network file system) protocol.
  • Uses security group to control access to EFS.
  • Compatible with linux based AMI.
  • EFS can be accessed from multple availibilty zones in a same AWS region.



  • Storage EFS provides shared and fully managed file storage that can be accessed by multiple EC2 instances whereas we EBS storage can be attached to individual EC2 instance.

  • Access method EFS works on Network file system (NFS) protocol. It allows multiple EC2 instances to read and write to the same file system concurrently. EBS provides block level storage that is directly attached to a single EC2 instance.

  • Scalability EFS is highly scalable and we can grow or shrink its storage capacity as needed. EBS volumes have fixed sizes and it can only be resized then we need to create snapshots of EBS volumes and then we have to create a larger volumes from those snapshots.

  • Performance EFS can handle wide range of workloads but the performance can be variable whereas EBS volumes comes in different types and we can choose the type according to our requirements. It provides better performance as compared to EFS volumes.

  • Use cases

    • EFS
      • Ideal for shared file storage use cases - content management system, web serving and data sharing where instances need to access the same data concurrently.
      • Is used for data-intensive workloads and analytics applications where data needs to be processed and analyzed across multiple instances.
      • Is it also used for containerized environments like Amazon kubernetes service (EKS) to store configuration files and shared volume for containers.
    • EBS
      • Well suited for applications that require block storage - databases, transactional applications and boot volumes.
      • Data warehousing, Log storage (analysis and monitoring).


A blog for understanding the resources of aws.




