Example usage of trie. Project was developed on java 10.0.1 and scala 2.12.6
##run Application can be ran by sbt via following command
sbt run
##packaging To build package execute
sbt assembly
##tests In order to run all test execute
sbt test
##usage Application accepts three commands
- :search - enters search mode, applies given phrase search and calculates matching scores
- :help - prints very short description of commands, very similar to this one
- :quit - ends program execution
#scores Matching scores are calculated in very simple and limited way. Every phrase is split into set of words. Each word has its value assigned - 1 / number of scores. I am Groot phrase will generate following scores:
- I - 33.33%
- am - 33.33%
- Groot - 33.33% Although is quite unfair matching score application can be easily extended by other calculation algorithms.