"Danny Boone's BBQ" is named after my beloved uncle, Reuben Daniel Cornett (affectionately known as "Boone" by many).
I'm passionate about smoking meats and providing good food to family, so I had a lot of fun with this project.
- Create a responsive menu with JavaScript (mobile hamburger menu)
- Create a custom animation that animates across the screen (canvas animation with random text populated from an array)
- Create accordion boxes to display different types of information (food menu with meats, sides, specials, etc.)
- Add your own transition animation(s) to an element on hover (links change color, de-saturated images saturate, and 'about-us' images expand)
- Project plan features list
- Project plan wireframe with mobile, tablet, and desktop views
- Project brief explaining the project and included features
- Website visually appealing
- Color palette
- Font stack
- Mobile-first CSS base
- Tablet media query
- Desktop media query
- Project uploaded to GitHub repository with at minimum 5 separate commits
- Project README file (1+ paragraph project description, features included)
- Headers, footers, and body sections
- Semantic HTML
- Flexbox or grid page layout
- Best efforts for accessibility
- I downloaded the "axe Accessibility Linter" extension for VSCode. It found ten errors: a missing lang attribute, missing alt attributes, and link images with no discernible text.
- I added the necessary lang="en" attribute to the html element, gave all images alt attributes, and gave all image-only links aria labels.
I ran the accessiBe.com accessScan on my GitHub Pages site. My site was marked "Compliant! Great work, you are compliant with the WCAG 2.1 level AA."
I did make changes to the colors to achieve a contrast ratio of 4.5, but the scan after doing so showed issues remained with contrast. I couldn't figure out why. I also added "aria-required" attributes to form fields, added a "role" attribute to an empty span element given textContent with JavaScript, and added a hidden link that skips navigation.
I ran the web.dev PageSpeed Insights report on my GitHub Pages site and received the following scores:
- Mobile
- Performance: 92
- Accessibility: 96
- Best Practices: 92
- SEO: 92
- Desktop
- Performance: 97
- Accessibility: 96
- Best Practices: 92
- SEO: 90
- Pluralsight videos
- Informational interview
- Tech event
- Job readiness workshop