eshop, an eccomerce platform for selling and buying goods ready with m-pesa intergration and invoice generation.
- email sending on authentication processes and once order is sent.
- signup
- forgot password
- signin
- payment integration
we are using the (MVC) paradigm for developing this software. This facilitates separation of concerns and decouples the software for ease in debugging and for collaboration.
model - database layer
view - the client side of the app
controller - all the business logic (the middle layer)
*for the views we are using ejs
* for database we are using mongodb
Folder structure:
│ app.js (the entry point)
│ package.json
│ Procfile
│ tailwind.config.js
+───models (all models)
│ │ Order.js
│ │ Product.js
│ │ ...
+───views (all client side views)
| shop.ejs
| cart.ejs
| orders.ejs
| ...
| + auth
| │ login.ejs
| │ register.ejs
| │ reset.ejs
| │ ...
| + include (all the view partials that are reusable)
| | navbar.ejs
+ public (folder exposed to public)
| + css
| + images
| + js (client side js)
+ routes (all routes and http verbs)
+ util (utility functions that can be reused)
Clone the project
Install all dependencies
npm install
Generate a .env file at the root
#express config
HOST="your host"
HOST_URL="your url"
#database variables
MONGO_USER="mongodb username"
MONGO_PASSWORD="your password"
MONGO_DATABASE="database name"
#firebase config
CLOUDINARY_NAME="cloudinary name"
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY="cloudinary key"
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET="cloudinary secret"
npm run server