This is the server-side code for my capstone project while at Galvanize. Client-side code can be found here.
Search Giant Bomb for games:
GET /api/search?query=Grand%20Theft%20%Auto
Search Twitch for streams:
GET /api/twitch?q=Grand%20Theft%20%Auto
Retrieve all titles for a given user:
GET /games
Add a new title to a user's library:
POST /games
Update ownership/completion for a title in a user's library:
PUT /games
Delete a title from a user's library:
DELETE /games
Import a single steam game into a user's library:
GET /steamImport/single
Retrieve a list of owned games for a given Steam ID:
GET /steamImport/:id
Retrieve a list of games and their Amazon prices/users for a given user's unowned games:
GET /wishlist/amazon
Signup for an account:
POST /authenticate/signup
Login to an account (returns a JWT):
POST /authenticate/login
Send client to Steam to authenticate:
GET /steam
Return address for Steam Passport Strategy:
GET /steam/return