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Quilt - PL/SQL code coverage tool

Quilt is PL/SQL CodeCoverage tool written in PL/SQL and SQL*Plus. It uses DBMS_PROFILER supplied with Oracle Database and generates HTML report using LCOV

How it works

It is pretty obvious from this SQL*Plus script (excerpt from example.sql)

rem 1. Enable CodeCoverage report for objects
exec quilt.enable_report(user);

rem 2. Start profiling
exec quilt.start_profiling;

rem 3. Execute your tests

rem 4. Stop profiling
exec quilt.stop_profiling;

rem 5. Generate report from profiling data
exec quilt.generate_report;

rem 6. Export LCOV report into report/ file

rem 7. Export sources of reported objects into report/src

rem Now use LCOV bundled in Docker image (see Dockerfile for image definition)
rem 8. First build docker container with LCOV
host docker build -t lcov .

rem 9. Then start docker container and mount pwd to /tmp
host docker run -itd --name quilt-lcov -v `pwd`:/tmp lcov /bin/bash

rem 10. And generate HTML report
host docker exec quilt-lcov /tmp/

rem 11. Open report in your web browser
host open report/html/index.html



1. Download required Oracle DB modules

SQLSN is light weight SQL*Plus Script Toolkit

$ git clone oradb_modules/sqlsn

2. Grant required privileges to target schema

grant connect to <quilt_schema>;  
grant create table to <quilt_schema>;
grant create procedure to <quilt_schema>;
grant create type to <quilt_schema>;
grant create sequence to <quilt_schema>;
grant create view to <quilt_schema>;
grant create synonym to <quilt_schema>

Optionally create dedicated schema for Quilt

3. Connect to target schema and install Quilt objects

SQL> @install production

Docker on Windows

1. Create Docker image using supplied Dockerfile

docker build -t lcov .

2. Start Docker container

docker run -i -t -P --name quilt-lcov -v //%cd%://tmp lcov

3. Execute within Docker container

docker exec quilt-lcov /tmp/


See example.sql for example of usage.

How to contribute

Setup development environment config

Edit JSON file config/env/development.js with connection strings

Create develpment environment

$ sqlplus sys/oracle@local @create development

Install Pete for testing

Read more about Pete at github page

$ git clone oradb_modules/pete

Write tests using Pete

  • Look at test folder for inspiration - it is super easy
  • Write tests for both singleschema and multischema scenarios
    • singleschema deployment - when Quilt is deployed and executed from user that owns profiled objects
    • multischema deployment - when Quilt is deployed in its own schema, and profiling user is different
  • Implement your feature
  • Test & fix & rinse & repeate until all tests passed

Pull requests without tests will not be accepted (with exceptions for obvious reasons)

Grunt task runner

use nodejs + npm + Grunt to automate some development and CI tasks see Gruntfile.js for all tasks

!!! Assumes development environment has been created

Install packages defined in package.json

$ npm install

Reinstall Quilt and Quilt tests

$ grunt reinstall reinstall_test

Execute Pete tests

$ grunt test


  • 0.1.0
    • build on top of DBMS_PROFILER result
    • create LCOV report
    • wrap genhtml for LCOV HTML report in Docker
    • provide single script example with profiling, test and LCOV HTML report generation
  • 0.2.0
    • fix issues caused by flawed DBMS_PROFILER report
      • implement PL/SQL Lexer
      • [in progress] implement PL/SQL "simple" parser - AST only for functions/procedures, branches, statements
      • implement Object Type representation of profile
      • generate LCOV report from Object Type representation
  • 0.3.0
    • console reporter
      • total summary
      • package summary
      • text version of LCOV HTML report
      • with sqlCL colors


  • Štefan Oravec
  • Henry Abeska