This is a very simple plugin that provides the command
pyenv install-essentials
which installs what I consider to be "essential" packages into the current environment. These are (currently):
- numpy
- matplotlib
- pandas
- seaborn
- ipython
- jupyter
- pytest
- flake8
- black
- black-macchiato
Additionally, it installs an IPython kernel for the current virtual environment. This makes it possible to choose the kernel of this virtual environment in the jupyter web interface.
Just copy the content of this repository to
, e.g. by
git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-install-essentials
This plugin contains a hook for uninstalling installed IPython kernels. The hook is run when calling
pyenv uninstall <env_name>
will will prompt you whether you really want to uninstall.
However, currently the IPython kernel will get removed regardless of the answer.
This is mostly intended for personal use, and does not really do a lot. It actually just runs
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install "${essentials[@]}"
python -m ipykernel install --user --name="IPython-${PYENV_VERSION}"
but I never remember the last command.
Overall the bash scripts are not extremely safe to use, so be cautious if you are using this on another system.
This was to some extent inspired by pyenv-jupyter-kernel.