This Fortran 90 code is the translation of the original F77 code written by T. Yabuki.
Yabuki, T. and M. Matsu'ura (1992): A geodetic data inversion using a Bayesian information criterion for spatial distribution of fault slip, Geophys. J. Int. 109, 363-375,
Shun-ichi Watanabe, Yusuke Yokota, Yuto Nakamura, & Tetsuichiro Yabuki. (2020, August 14). YM1992 v1.0.0. Zenodo.
|--exe # All compiled scripts are kept under here.
|--fort # F90 source code
|--fort_160129 # F90 source code
|--plate_boundary # Fault geometry data files are kept under here.
|--result # Setup file (.ctp), sample scripts, and plots of the result.
|--data # Output files of the inversion analysis are saved.
|--fwd # Input files of the inversion analysis should be kept here.
|--tmp # Where the temporary files created during inversion analysis are saved.
gdinv.exe: The main script for running a geodetic inversion analysis.
This script is kept under /exe, and is the only script necessary for running inversion analysis (other scripts in /exe are not needed).
Observation file (.dat): Input file of the coordinates and velocities of the observation points.
The file should be kept under /result/fwd. (Sample file: /result/fwd/vel_data_YN.dat) -
Fault geometry file (.cof): Input file of the fault geometry.
The .cof file used in the inversion analysis should be kept under /result. (Sample file: /result/NE_gsi3.cof) -
Setup file (.ctp): Setup file that contains inversion parameters and file names of the input/output.
(See sample file /result/c0_inversion.ctp for details)
There is a sample cshell script under /result that executes inversion analysis using sample observation data and setup file.
csh inversion.csh
$set ctpname = "c0_inversion.ctp" # Set the ctp file (sample: c0_inversion.ctp).
$../exe/gdinv.exe ${ctpname} # Geodetic data inversion analysis is executed,
# using the sample setup file (c0_inversion.ctp).
$sh # Sample GMT (Generic Mapping Tool) script
# that plots the results of the inversion analysis.
For details of the Generic Mapping Tools, see
The result files of the inversion analysis are saved under /result/data directory.
res.scd # output file of the source displacement # output file of the calculated displacements at the input observation points
res.fmp # output file of the B-splined source displacement
res_cal.dat # calculated displacements at the input observation points
res_obs.dat # observed displacements at the input observation points
res_o_c.dat # residuals of the observed vs calculated displacements
The plots of the results are saved under /result.
cnt_res.png # Contour map of the slip deficit rate.
scd_res.png # Vector map of the source displacement.
fwd_res.png # Vector map of the observed vs calculated displacements.
o_c_res.png # Vector map of the residuals of the observed vs calculated displacements.
All compiled scripts are kept under /exe.
cgscd.exe # A script for scaling the output data,
# used together with the sample GMT script (
# This script has no effect on the result of the analysis.
mkscd.exe # A script that creates source displacement files from a given slip distribution data.
gdjacfw.exe # A script for calculating the Jacobian matrix of forward analysis.
gdfwd.exe # Main script for running forward analysis.
gdjac.exe # This script was used to calculate the Jacobian matrix for the inversion analysis,
# but has been deprecated since the Jacobian matrix calculation was merged to gdinv.exe.
The source codes for the main program of inversion analysis (gdinv.exe) are under /fort_160129. The codes for other scripts (listed above) are kept under /fort.
Makefiles of the scripts are under /fort and /fort_160129, and the bash shell script for running these makefiles are under /exe. When compiling all scripts, execute the command below.
$sh ./exe/