I personally no longer believe that decryption is the way.
see: https://article.talesoftibia.com/469/1
But will keep this up for anyone interested.
I've used Biochemistry libraries with python to create sequence analysis to better find standalone numbers.
It's usually used for DNA sequence research.
It gives some very interesting data for 469, see alignments
469 is a language found in Tibia. Created in 2001, it's about 21 years old and still have not been solved.
469 is spoken between bonelords, a blob with 5 eyes. This is performed by blinking numbers.
Excerpt from a book in Tibia: Beware of the Bonelords
The bonelords are an ancient race of underground dwelling necromancers. Although they can 'speak' like humans using some membranes, their native 'tongue' consists of a blinking code with each eye, where a blinking could mean some syllable, letter or word. It is by far the most complex speech we have ever encountered and it is almost impossible to comprehend. As far as we can tell it is not only a language but also some kind of mathematics. This combination makes it tedious even to try to understand that language.
The books the bonelords write contain only numbers and the code behind them is incredibly complex. This race was one of those which were part in the creation wars and therefore its peak of civilization and power is long gone. There are rumours about still existent bonelord settlements where they try to improve their unspeakable necromantic rituals and create an army of undead.
The main city of the current bonelords, Hellgate - contains a library holding 71 books, all in numbers. See books here where each line contains one book.
Here we meet A Wrinkled Bonelord, the librarian. We can talk to it to get more information.
Here I have collected all clues I think we need to solve 469.
I start off by showing you what we can find in-game, and further down I will show you some of my thoughts.
- 00-timeline.md 469 history in chronological order (by elkolorado)
- 01-books.md contains the books we find on 469.
- 02-align.txt: aligned with repeats (by Trikki Rikki)
- 03-align.txt: aligned in slightly longer sequences (continued by me)
- 04-align.txt: close to being a full sequence. (50~ hours in)
- 05-rearrange.txt we carefully start rearranging some books.
If you are on mobile you might want to disable line-wrapping, otherwise the .txt will look like jibberish to you.
3478 67 90871 97664 3466 0 345!
Interview in 2009 with a content designer:
Q: "What about the Beholder language? People are dying to understand it. What you can say about it?"
A: "114514519485611451908304576512282177 :) 6612527570584 xD"
These sentences don't seem to appear much in the hellgate books. Avar tar is known for bragging and telling lies, so I do not think that this is true 469 nor relevant
Avar Tar: 29639 46781! 9063376290 3222011 677 80322429 67538 14805394, 6880326 677 63378129 337011 72683 149630 4378! 453 639 578300 986372 2953639!
Avar Tar: I know it's rather short, but still, this poem I like best.
Inferior creatures, bow before my power!
Inferior creatures, bow before my power!
Let me take a look at you!
659978 54764!
Spirit Grounds has a potential insight into 469.
Player: unpronouncable
The Gate Keeper: The nearest you may come to is Zg'!kch of Cthle-ZüuKh'lkrlxchwr.
Player: Zg'!kch
The Gate Keeper: Really! No need to be rude.
The Gate Keeper: Zgk'ch Cthlhg drch, sire.
When the veils of shrouded truths are lifted, who can stand?
01010100 01101000 01100101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 01101110
00100111 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010
01100100 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110010 01100101 00100000
01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100110 01101111
01110010 00101110
B: BOQOT" O(J-"L J-T )^X" XU-T )T JT(O~X°
C: 663 902073 7223 67538 467 80097
A: These aren’t the words you’re looking for.
B: (Deepling’s language)
Pronounciation: Roqoh oljent jeh dakn kweh dh jhlosk!
Meaning: Nonbelievers defy the narrow path to undersea!
C: ???
A Wrinkled Bonelord - Hellgate Librarian
He guards the library.
A Wrinkled Bonelord: 485611800364197.
A Wrinkled Bonelord: 78572611857643646724.
Player: books
a wrinkled bonelord: Our books are written in 469, of course you can't understand them.
Player: 469
a wrinkled bonelord: The language of my kind. Superior to any other language and only to be spoken by entities with enough eyes to blink it.
Player: language
a wrinkled bonelord: Our language is beyond comprehension by your lesser beings. It heavily relies on mathemagic. Your brain is not suited for the mathemagical processing necessary to understand our language.To decipher even our most basic texts, it would need a genius that can calculate numbers within seconds in his brain.
Player: numbers
a wrinkled bonelord: Numbers are essential. They are the secret behind the scenes. If you are a master of mathematics you are a master over life and death.
Player: name
a wrinkled bonelord: I'm 486486 and NOT 'Blinky' as some people called me ... before they died. So don't ... confuse your numbers, as my kind says.
Player: Tibia
a wrinkled bonelord: It's 1, not 'Tibia', silly.
Player: 0
a wrinkled bonelord: Go and wash your eyes for using this obscene number!
Player: bonelord
a wrinkled bonelord: Our race is very old. Over the time, we have been given many different names by other races. The term bonelord sticks to us for quite a while now. In our language the name of our race is not fix but a complex formula, and as such it always changes for the subjective viewer.
Mathemagic is used in Paradox tower quest. In this quest we learn the secrets of mathmagics by the mad mage.
Paradox tower also contain a direct teleport to Hellgate.
1 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 13
1 + 1 = 49
1 + 1 = 94
This sequence appears in tetranacci sequence.
" Could the language of bonelords be the invention of some madman?"
Mirrored image released on official Tibia facebook.
When reversed we find these numbers:
713 473 |
765 464 |
706 447 [1a] |
824 499 |
975 595 |
937 X30 | X = 5? 530
726 XY1 | X = 4? Y = 3? 431 (441 don't appear in book)
729 X47 [1c?] | X = 4? 447
652 400 |
653 407 |
565 X75 | X = 3? 375
746 X58 | X = 4? 458
1021 ?X59 | X = 6? 659
759 X75 | X = 4? 475
718 X38 | X = 4? 438
737 469 <-- |
648 428 |
818 520 |
985 621 |
2154 1307 |
841 540 |
71X 471 |
75X 489 |
689 447 [1b] |
1017 658 |
1280 625 |
684 448 |
694 453 |
860 |
514 |
A pattern can be found, each time the number on the left column increases, the number on the right column increases.
This is true for 26/28 "pairs". This means that the numbers are in a deliberate sequence. And the value of "X" can be quite reliably estimated.
The number on the left seems to be 1.5x~ of that on the number to the right.
I think this is why they tried to hide some of the numbers on the right with the clay-figure.
As the numbers are mirrored, it could be a reference that when bonelords talk/blink, they see the other 'blink' the numbers mirrored.
There is also a mirrored room in paradox tower of 469s creator, this room contains books that could be the cipher for 469.
ljkhbl nilse jfpce ojvco ld
slcld ylddiv dnolsd dd sd
sdcp cppcs cccpc cpsc
awdp cpcw cfw ce
cpvc ev vcemmev vrvf
cp fd vmfpm xcv
26 sections, 26 letters in alphabet?
zkkbk h
klhi igbb
9 rows, 11 sections.
Notice how these sections have similar spacing and # of characters as 469
From poll: "C: 663 902073 7223 67538 467 80097"
Knightmare: "3478 67 90871 97664 3466 0 345!"
Warlocks of Demona had a bonelord called 'honeminas' who created formulae for understanding the magic web.
(Note: g stands for gate, g [a_,x_] for the coordinates of the gate in the 2-dimensional-area and e for the strengh of the magic energy that flows into this gate.
For all other formulas look in your collection of formulas)
g[a_,x_] := a g[3,2] + (4,3,1,5,3).(3,4,7,8,4)
4315 appears in the books, 431 maybe appear in facebook post. 43153 does not appear in books.
3478 appears in the books, is said by Knightmare NPC, and is the name of a nostaliga bonelord. could translate into 'beholder'.
Each section (1,2,3,4,5).(1,2,3,4,5) contains five numbers. One number for each eye when 'blinking' it?
What does the fifth number do, and why does it not appear in the bonelord books?
It could be an important number for understanding 469.
This, in itself looks like the dot product of two vectors, talking of coordinates on a 2-dimensional plane.
Wolfram Alpha can be of help.
There are more formulae in Demona Library
Player: bonelord
a wrinkled bonelord: Our race is very old. Over the time, we have been given many different names by other races. The term bonelord sticks to us for quite a while now. In our language the name of our race is not fix but a complex formula, and as such it always changes for the subjective viewer.
❗ Notice! |
Notice how these numbers are in pairs, exactly like in the facebook post.. where 43153 (the left number) is bigger than the right number 34783 |
74032 45331
Notice again, how these came in pairs, with left number being bigger than the right number. (honeminas formula looks crucial)
Interesting properties of 469 can be shown
Cip has again and again thrown hints that 469 comes in pairs, with left number being bigger than right number.. for example: (11, 7)
- this is seen in their facebook post
- this is seen in honeminas formula (43151 34783)
- this is seen in the latest 469 book in secret library (74032 45331)
Plotting the pairs from facebook post shows that all of them follow a pattern, otherwise the dots would not be close to the line on picture.
The only pair that is not plotting like the other pairs is (1280, 625), and this is the only pair where the left number ends with a 0.
Each pair is processed liked (x, y), and each dot represents one pair.
Player: 0
a wrinkled bonelord: Go and wash your eyes for using this obscene number!
Looking further at the 0, we also have two pairs where the right number is 447.
- A: (706, 447)
- B: (689, 447)
706 is bigger than 689, but 706 contains a zero.
This seems to suggest that multiplication is involved - which makes sense when we also consider that in honeminas formula, the digits are processed indepentendly: (4,3,1,5,3).(3,4,7,8,4)
Two other interesting pairs are:
- A: (652, 400)
- B: (653, 407)
When '2' -> '3', right number goes up by 7.
- A: (1017, 658)
- B: (1021, 659)
How does that emerge?
How are these numbers 'decided'? What's the math behind them?
Something has to be done to numbers that comes in pairs (be it dot product of vectors as in honeminas formula or smth else)
This then could give something that indicates a letter on the jibberish books. (e.g. something along the lines of 4th row, 2nd column, 3rd letter...)
We also see in 04-align.txt that the sequences found in hellgate library seems to be just one large sequence that you can puzzle together.
It looks like the creator of 469 and the hellgate books have scrambled some books to cause entropy, it also looks like a single number has been removed in a handful of the books - making all previous bruteforce attempts invalid. (seen in example of 05-rearrange.txt)
With one book (vs 71) we can more easily find patterns in 'the sequence'.
We can also see what has been done to the books - some have been scrambled good, while others have just been halved and switched sides.
In 04-align.txt, no book has been rearranged. In 05-rearrange.txt - I show an example on how some books are rearranged and that in some books, a single digit has been exchanged.
I also show how to systematically rearrange the books while ensuring that we don't change the outcome of the final long sequence.
I am using Visual Studio Code, and then i highlight a sequence to see where other occurences appear.
I use CTRL + F to search a sequence to highlight and lock it in while i highlight other sequences with the cursor. This allows me to keep track of what i'm doing.
Any sequence on the same line within [brackets] are a sequence within that line that appears in other lines. This is used to keep track of sequences.
Here i have ctrl+f a sequnce appearing in orange, and highlighted a sequence that appear in grey.
The Bonelord Threat I
The Bonelord Threat II
The Bonelord Threat III
Black Knight Gives Up on Humans
It was me who assisted the great calculator to assemble the bonelords language.
Notice, 'the great calculator' is a being rather than machine. (a wrinkled bonelord?)
The person writing that book is thought to be the mad mage, who teaches us mathmagics, who created the paradox tower which has a direct teleport to Hellgate.
In no particular order.
- This book is a copy of a book found in Hellgate.
- Ferumbras Citadel.
In Hellgate exists a 4x4 matrix which people have long thought to be related to 469, though i have found no indication for that in the lore.
Some time ffter these speculattions by the players, cip changed the number of skulls in the matrix, altering the numbers.
[1, 1, 1, 1]
[1, 3, 6, 1]
[1, 1, 4, 1]
[4, 6, 1, 1]