This page dynamically displays the 6 members of the SCMS and contains some interactions with other users interested in them, like commenting on them or a like counter for each kitten.
- JavaScript
- Webpack
👤 Saadat Ali
- GitHub: @Saadat123456
- Twitter: @Saadat02021999
- LinkedIn: Saadat Ali
👤 Joaquin Garrido Lecca Zanetti
- GitHub: @Kakalanp
- Twitter: @LeccaJoaquin
- LinkedIn: Joaquin Garrido Lecca Zanetti
- Thanks to @eleartspace for the incredible custom icon designs. 😉
- Thanks to Microverse for the guidelines of this project.
- Thanks to Aisyah for the cute Font used in this project. 🔡
- Thanks to for all the amazing kitty photos. 🐈
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- npm (node package manager)
- Have git correctly installed.
Open a terminal window where you want to have installed a copy of the repository.
Use this command to get a copy:
git clone
- then, run
npm install
in your comand prompt, this will install all the listed dependencies on the package.json file.
- Edit the content as you like.