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OME Zarr hackathon 2022

John Bogovic edited this page Feb 1, 2022 · 5 revisions

OME-Zarr hackathon 2022

John Bogovic's plan for the Bioimage hackathon 31.01.2022 - 06.02.2022

Transform specification

Views and spaces

Work on the "spaces" and specify transforms between spaces. Start of work is here.

Main idea:

  • A "space" is a set of "axes"
  • A "coordinateTransform" is a function from one space to another.

Identify some relevant use cases to show why this is a useful idea, and as a guide to specify it. Here are a few:

  • "raw" / "array" space (discrete)
  • raw to physical
  • crops of a larger volume
  • lower-res to higher-res in a multiscale pyramid

Some open questions

  • What is the right place to store transforms and spacing?
    • transforms may need to know about many spaces corresponding to different datasets
    • first thought is to keep them together in one central place'
    • application specific - Saalfeld
  • what are good defaults / assumptions ?
  • Should implementations be able to handle implicit concatenation
    • if there are two transforms specified: T: A -> B and S: B -> C, is ST: A -> C understood to exist implicitly?

New transform types

Many transform types I initially proposed here are not in v0.4.

  • Revisit which of these should be considered in future versions.
  • Consider adding new types not in that list?
    • This is more a question for the broader community
  • Consider use cases, stories, and examples for proposed transform types.


  • Start implementing in imglib2 / bdv
    • look for volunteers for a python implementation
  • Look again at sharing implementation between MoBIE + N5-viewer
    • Talk with Tobias + Tischi + Constantin about what repo might be an appropriate location for this