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SevNTU plugin for EclipseCS plugin compilation
1. I presume that all pages before this you already done, and you did changes to sevntu-checks and eclipsecs-sevntu-plugin projects.
2. Checkout latest tagged eclipse-cs sources .
by latest release tag, list of tags could be seen here field “Sticky Tag:”, Example for v5_6_0:
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@eclipse-cs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/eclipse-cs co -r v5_6_0 .
3. Build
cd net.sf.eclipsecs.parent
mvn install
4. Compile SevNTU sources:
cd sevntu-checks
mvn install
cd ../
mvn clean install -f eclipse-pom.xml
result plugin is here :
5. save all your changes in remote just in case.
git status
git add .
git commit -m "version was bumped to 1.6.0"
git push
6.Do test deploy by scripts to test that all works fine:
7. Copy eclipsecs-sevntu-plugin-X.X.X.jar to Eclipse folder instead of existing jar
Copy sevntu.checkstyle/gh-pages/update-site/plugins/eclipsecs-sevntu-plugin_1.6.0.jar to /plugins/eclipsecs-sevntu-plugin-X.X.X.jar, launch Eclipse and test your checks from Eclipse. If no problem is found send eclipsecs-sevntu-plugin-X.X.X.jar your mentor for review and testing.
Alternative way to create JAR for testing:
1. To create Plugin jar
Select project “eclipsecs-sevntu-plugin”, in context menu “Export → Plug-in Deployment/Deployable plug-ins and fragments”. Press “Next” . Provide Destination Directory. Press “Finish”.
2. Add plugin to eclipse
Result jar – eclipsecs-sevntu-plugin-X.X.X.jar. Should be copied to /pligins. Launch Eclipse. Select menu – Window – Preferences → Checkstyle. Select Configuration and press “Configure”. In list of groups will be “SevNTU checks”. Enjoy.