Input files are
- Readme.txt
- day.csv
- hour.csv
- Understand the requirements
- Exploratory Data Analysis includes (Capital_BS_1.ipynb)
- Head
- Shape
- dtype (data type)
- checking missing values
- Data type conversion if required
- Visualization
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
Capacity vs Demand study (SP1_TK-2.ipynb)
Trip duration,destination and route study (Timeseries_3.ipynb)
Key Performance Index (KPI) (Timeseries_3.ipynb)
- Start station, End station, no. of rides and member/casual
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, time of the day and member/casual
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, day of the week and member/casual
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, trip duration and member/casual
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, time of the day, trip duration and member/casual
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, capacity and member/casual
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, capacity/station distribution and member/casual
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, weather and time of the day
- Start station, End station, no. of rides, weather, time of the day and weekday