meetup's March 2013 Ruby Quiz Night
This project has a series of spec's that need to be "Fixed" by implementing a series of fairly standard interview type questions.
Here are the "rules"
- You may use any version of Ruby
- You should use the provided specs
- You should NOT use built-in containers or datastructures beyond plain array (or maybe hash)
- You should implement your own enumeration methods
Beginner Level
You will be implementing insertion sort for an array of integers
You will implement a "Stack" class implementing traditional stack like behavior of push, pop, and peek
You will use your stack to implement a solver for the Tower's of Hanoi problem
Intermediate Level
- Given an array of postive and negative numbers, find the contiguous sequence that yields the greatest sum
Advanced Level
Given a square matrix of "pixels" that can either be on or off, find the largest contained subsquare whose border pixels are all "on".
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