This is a simple IP Address Tracker web application built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Leaflet.js (using OpenStreetMap). The app fetches the geolocation data of an IP address or domain using the IPify API and displays the corresponding location on a map.
- Search IP Address/Domain: Search for any IP address or domain to get location details.
- IP Geolocation: Displays the location, timezone, and ISP of the IP address or domain.
- Map Integration: Shows the location on a map using OpenStreetMap and Leaflet.js.
- HTML: For the structure of the web page.
- CSS: For the styling of the web page.
- JavaScript: For fetching the IP geolocation data from the API and updating the UI dynamically.
- Leaflet.js: For map integration using OpenStreetMap.
- IPify API: For fetching the IP geolocation data.
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd ip-address-tracker
- Open index.html in your browser:
open index.html
- Enter an IP address or domain in the search bar.
- Click the search button.
- The app will display the IP address's geolocation data, including the location, timezone, and ISP, and show the location on a map.
This project uses the IPify API for fetching IP geolocation data. To use this project, you'll need an API key from IPify.
Sign up for an API key on IPify.
Add your API key in the script.js file:
const API_KEY = "your-api-key-here";
The project uses Leaflet.js and OpenStreetMap for displaying the map. The map automatically centers on the location of the searched IP address or domain.
Challenge by Frontend Mentor. Coded by Sadat Nazarli.