This is an API Rest developed with Laravel, PHP and Clean Architecture.
- Laravel version: 9.34
- PHP version: 8.1
- Database: Mysql
- Tests made with Pest
- Containers with Sail
Rename or copy the .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
The .env is configured to use docker database setup
build app
In the app root (the same dir where is located the package.json and this README) run:
cd src ./vendor/bin/sail up -d --build
To watch sail (docker) live logging:
./vendor/bin/sail logs -f
To check sail containers:
./vendor/bin/sail ps
You should see the following containers active:
Before start to test the application you should run the migrations and seeder to setup the development database and the test database as well to run the feature tests
Running migration for development
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate
Running migration for test
./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate --database mysql-test
The migrations result:
Running seeders for development
./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed
Running seeders for test
./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed --database mysql-test
The seeders result:
The database result:
Normal test
./vendor/bin/sail bin pest
Postman Project
- Lucas Sahdo -