0.6.0: dm_control suite and box2d
Note: we are still in the progress of adding more environment from dm_control suite and box2d.
New Environment
DeepMind Control Suite
- Hopper (#107, @Trinkle23897)
- Cheetah (#110, @yufansong)
- Walker (#114, @yufansong)
- Reacher (#115, @yufansong)
- Finger (#118, @yufansong)
- Pendulum (#122, @yufansong)
- BallInCup (#124, @Benjamin-eecs)
- PointMass (#123, @yufansong)
- Acrobot (#129, @Benjamin-eecs)
- Misc (#106, #125, #130, @Trinkle23897)
- LunarLander-v2, LunarLanderContinuous-v2 (#111, @Alicia1529)
- Pendulum-v1 (#126, @Trinkle23897)
Bug Fix
- Fix episodic_life bug in atari env (#121, @Trinkle23897)
- Support dynamic shaped arrays (#98, @mavenlin)
- Update Mujoco benchmark result (#99, @Trinkle23897)
- Fix code linter (#109, #116, #117, @Trinkle23897)