This is a very basic implementation of a sequential / random – text / quote generator. it uses core ReactJS and JSX to power through. Although, a similar model can be achieved without the use of React, and only JS.
An APP that can generate quotes brodly in two different modes – sequentially or randomly. The user has the ability to glide back and forth the current quote, and also being able to copy the displayed content into their PC's clipboard without dragging their mouse and right clicking and spending 2 nanoseconds to search for the "copy" option in their manu, when they can just do it right away.
Due to time crunch and the exam season going on, I wasn't able to add functionalty to the ramining buttons, and only "Generate" button works for now, which randomly picks a quote and it's author from an array of such similar data being fetched as an API, feeding it right into my App's belly. Consuming this available information. Excluding this bustle, above mentioned functionality can be added & implemented easily.
Thanks for bearing with this project. Hope it's helpful & knowledgeable