Orbital (Independent Software Development Project) is NUS School of Computing self-directed, independent work course. This programme gives students the opportunity to pick up software development skills on their own, using sources on the web. Our team members consist of Sai Utkarsh and Ching Kwun Hei.
Proposed Level of Achievement: Apollo 11
A cross-platform mobile application (written in React Native) to help students living in NUS know about the events happening in their residencies and for those hosting these events, to effectively publicise them to the students living there.
REAMDE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B_HHCTbkaLnzMXAcASsP5bDuz4ZWpt0j1p6eeTnqsDU/edit
Video Walkthrough: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W3Olajj5ac16y2hV9WB6-iuG2JIbjZBK/view