this project handles the assessment as follows
Develop Odoo (v16 community) module as follows: ● Create a model with the name "Digizilla" as follows: ■ Views: Kanban, Form and List ■ Fields:
- Name*
- Gender
- Country
- Joining Date
- Tags
- Customers (where you can select multiple values from odoo default customers model)
- Company* (where you can select one values from Odoo default Companies official model).
- Notes (a long text field in a new tab named Notes).
- Comments (a short text field in a new tab named Comments). ● Your new module should have a “Messages and logger that tracks any change in the previous fields” in the form view. *Hide the create button from the form view using javascript. ● Generate a PDF report for your model that contains all the previous fields excluding the message logger.