convert HTML to PDF server by Headless Chrome.
GET URL or POST HTML returns PDF binary.
This is new version of hcep-pdf-server with buit-in TypeScript supoort and sufficient testing, excellent new features.
Of course, Docker is also supported!
- Writing in TypeScript
- Use Fasity instead of Express for native TypeScript support and fast response
- You can Change User Agent and Accept Language etc with environment variables
- Bearer token authorization Support
git clone this repository.
You can try it in 2 ways: 1.Docker
or 2.Local
You need install docker.
docker build -t hc-pdf-server:latest .
If you wanto to convert pages in Japanese, Chinese or languages other than English with Docker.
You will need to install each font files.
Also, you can use WEB fonts, but since it takes a long time for requesting and downloading them, we recommend that install the font files in the server.
Add your font files (ex. *.otf) to fonts/
cp AnyFonts.ttf ./fonts/
And build image.
docker build -t hc-pdf-server:latest .
You can use build-arg ADDITONAL_FONTS
as package names.
See below available font package names.
docker build \
--build-arg ADDITONAL_FONTS=fonts-ipafont \
-t hc-pdf-server:latest .
# multiple (split by space)
docker build \
--build-arg ADDITONAL_FONTS="fonts-ipafont fonts-ipaexfont-gothic" \
-t hc-pdf-server:latest .
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 hc-pdf-server:latest
You need to install Node.js and yarn.
install packages
yarn install
start dev server
yarn dev
lint and fix
yarn lint
compile ts files
yarn build
launch server
yarn start
curl "http://localhost:8080?url=" -o hcpdf-get.pdf
parameter should be urlencoded beforehand, as the inclusion of certain characters (e.g. "&") can cause problems.
curl -sS http://localhost:8080 -v \
--data-urlencode html="<html><p>hcpdf <strong>ok</strong></p></html>"\
-o hcpdf-post.pdf
The Puppeteer's PDF options are flexible and complex.
I thought about taking them directly as GET or POST parameters, but it's not simple.
So I make with the preset method.
Just pass the preset name as request parameter pdf_option
that you have prepared in PDFOptionsPreset
The default presets are below.
You can extend it or create another file and switch it by environment variables.
# make file
cp src/pdf-options/presets/my-preset.sample.ts src/pdf-options/presets/my-preset.ts
# edit
vim src/pdf-options/presets/my-preset.ts
# build image
docker build -t hc-pdf-server:latest .
# and set env example with dorcker run
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 \
-e HCPDF_PRESET_PDF_OPTIONS_FILE_PATH='./presets/my-preset' \
# request with pdf_option
curl "http://localhost:8080?url=" -o hcpdf-get-MYA4.pdf
The default is the minimum (e.g. A4, A3).
If you have something you think should be included, I'd be happy to receive a pull request.
You can check what options are currently available by looking at the following path after the server starts
$ curl http://localhost:8080/pdf_options
You can enable bearer auth by setting your secret key to HCPDF_BEARER_AUTH_SECRET_KEY
(default empty, disabled) .
This application can be exploited if it is published on a global network, as it allows you to manipulate Chrome.
So it is recommended that you enable this option to control access to it when you place it on a global network.
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 \
curl "http://localhost:8080/?url=" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer yourSecretKey' \
-o hcpdf-auth-get.pdf
This feature uses the following the plugin.
Details are below.
In Puppeteer, if you make another request to Page
during the PDF conversion process, it will result in an error.
At present, it seems not to be able to judge whether Page
is being processed or not.
Therefore, in hc-pdf-server, the error is avoided by preparing two or more Page
at the time of server starting, and using them in order.
The number of starting pages can be changed by env HCPDF_PAGES_NUM
(default: 3).
If you increase the number of pages, the memory required will also increase, so adjust it according to your machine resource.
All have a prefix of 'HCPDF_'
Multiple PDF Options can be prepared in advance and used upon request. see detail about PDF options
If the default is not sufficient, please specify your own.
Specify relative path from plugins/pdf-options.ts
default: '../pdf-options/presets/default'
defalt key name.
default: 'DEFAULT'
You can change the default items for simple changes such as size and margins
Corresponds to format
Letter: 8.5in x 11in
Legal: 8.5in x 14in
Tabloid: 11in x 17in
Ledger: 17in x 11in
A0: 33.1in x 46.8in
A1: 23.4in x 33.1in
A2: 16.54in x 23.4in
A3: 11.7in x 16.54in
A4: 8.27in x 11.7in
A5: 5.83in x 8.27in
A6: 4.13in x 5.83in
Corresponds to all margin
Corresponds printBackground
Corresponds to landscape
Allows you to specify the number of pages to be launched when the server starts.
Change the number according to the number of requests and the response speed and server resources.
default: 3
You can change the User agent string.
default: puppeteer's user agent
Timeout values used in various Page operations. see detail Page.setDefaultTimeout()
default: 10000
if 'true', CSS media type set to screen
default: false (print
Accept-Language can be given at the time of request.
default: ''
default: ''
default: 8080
The maximum request size that the server will accept.
default: 10485760 (10MiB)
default: '' (disabled)
see page.setViewport
default: 800
default: 600
default: 1
default: false
default: false
default: false
Other settings can be changed by environment variables.
See the following file for details.
yarn test
# before you need build image
docker build -t hc-pdf-server:latest .
docker run hc-pdf-server:latest yarn test
Licensed under Apache License
Pull requests, Issues, GitHub Sponsors are welcome.