(for Pubsub and HTTP)
Sample Cloud Events extension that defines how to decrypt payloads encrypted using Shared AES keys, GCP KMS and TINK Envelope Encryption.
The Cloud Events Extensions really just describes metadata to include into headers of any given message and cannot by itself do any processing of the enclosed payload data.
This particular extension first encrypts the Data
area of a PubSub or HTTP message using either a provided symmetric key, Google Cloud KMS-backed DEK or GCP KMS backed TINK Symmetric key. Once encrypted, it places the key reference value and the encrypted Data Encryption Key (DEK) as the metadata value for transmission.
The receiver of the event will decode the extension and then use the encrypted key or reference to the shared one to finally decode the message.
Since the extension framework is just metadata and not an 'interceptor' for pre/post processing messages, the decryption has to be done in code manually...
There are two protocol implementations/samples here: http and GCP pubsub clients.
This sample sets up a pubsub topic with a subscriber as well as a symmetric GCP KMS key to use for encryption.
On startup, the clients publisher will generate 10 messages but only rotate the derived AES DEK key three times. This is done to avoid repeated calls to kms to rewrap the DEK (meaning, you are using the DEK a couple of times before its rotated out). The DEK and TINK keys are embedded into the cloud event payload.
The receiver will decrypt the DEK and cache it locally. If multiple messages are encrypted with the same DEK, the cached version (if found) will be used so as to not make a new KMS api call via KMS Client or TINK or RAW:
: use KMS to wrap the raw AES keyTINK
: wrap a TINK key with KMSSHARED
: use a shared AES key
A sample event log is shown below showing for PubSub and HTTP
As a quick sample, we the following runs a simple http cloudevents client server locally using this extension with a SHARED
What the following shows is a http client and server for eventarc with this extension.
The client encrypts the data for each message with a SHARED
key. The extension and hash of the shared key is shown as well
as the encrypted data.
The server will load the same shared key and extension. Then decrypt and display the data
cd http/
go run main.go \
--mode server \
--keyType=SHARED \
--dek="gUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+KbPeShVmYq3t6w" \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
I0306 12:44:59.040265 94882 main.go:154] EventID: b959f405-9ea5-4c7a-b25e-d26ca3770e35
I0306 12:44:59.040434 94882 main.go:155] EventType: com.github.salrashid123.ce_envelope_extension
I0306 12:44:59.040439 94882 main.go:156] Event Context: Context Attributes,
specversion: 1.0
type: com.github.salrashid123.ce_envelope_extension
source: github.com/salrashid123/tink_samples
id: b959f405-9ea5-4c7a-b25e-d26ca3770e35
time: 2022-03-06T17:44:59.039594428Z
datacontenttype: text/plain
envelopeencryption: {"key_uri":"","dek":"69fefc1758c357c97544a2891c93d336118a5375f325aa6f46ccb5dfa454c8fc","type":2}
I0306 12:44:59.040488 94882 main.go:183] Initialize new key
I0306 12:44:59.040505 94882 main.go:193] DEK sha256 value [bafae7a0566f4680e471ec9bfa66579781f946ec4b5aed6d240b05c5fca55cd4]
I0306 12:44:59.040512 94882 main.go:195] HTTP Message WXZ5Z0lpeHJYbmtGMVlLUVh1azBMVUtOQ1FzVTZ3dFVtQmE0R3Fid3RRNWo=
I0306 12:44:59.040519 94882 main.go:208] Event Data: foo 1
Notice the Extensions -> envelopencryption
section. That is the metadata that gets sent with each data. The encryptedKeyset
is the KMS wrapped key that uses the Key Encryption Key (KEK) defined by the key_uri
. The inner, encrypted KEK is used to encrypt the Data
On the subscriber side, the KEK gets cached locally to avoid repeated lookups. If the subscriber does not find the KEK in cache,it will use TINK to do envelope decryption on the Data and then save the KEK. If the keys are rotated by the publisher, no problem,it will detect that the KEK is not in cache and continue.
To run the http client:
go run main.go \
--mode client \
--keyType=SHARED \
--dek="gUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+KbPeShVmYq3t6w" \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
12:44:59.039323 94982 main.go:105] DEK sha256 [bafae7a0566f4680e471ec9bfa66579781f946ec4b5aed6d240b05c5fca55cd4]
I0306 12:44:59.039582 94982 main.go:120] Encrypting data: [foo 1]
Note about KMS operations: the fact we're using TINK Encrypted KMS backed keys, each operation invokes the KMS api. If you would rather just use KMS to wrap a secret, pass the reference to KMS and wrap the key manually and rotate as described here below and shows separately with pubsub in :
for more info, see
- Tink Samples
- Message Payload Encryption in Google Cloud Pub/Sub (Part 4: Envelope Encryption with Google Key Management System and PubSub)
First setup KMS, PubSub
# in each window
export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format='value(projectNumber)'`
gcloud pubsub topics create crypt-topic
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create crypt-subscribe --topic=crypt-topic
gcloud kms keyrings create pubsub-kr --location us-central1
gcloud kms keys create key1 --keyring pubsub-kr --location us-central1 --purpose encryption
Then just run the client and server
The following will show the key rotation frequency and the hash value of the DEK used. Thats just shown so that you know which key is being used for encryption.
There are three supported encryption mechanism: using Shared
key, KMS
wrapped TINK
key and plain KMS envelope encryption
The following http cloud events sample will run a client/server in each of the three encryption modes
cd http/
go run main.go \
--mode server \
--keyType=SHARED \
--dek="gUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+KbPeShVmYq3t6w" \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
go run main.go \
--mode client \
--serverAddress http://localhost:8080/ \
--keyType=SHARED \
--dek="gUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+KbPeShVmYq3t6w" \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
cd http
go run main.go \
--mode server \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--keyType=KMS \
--keyUri=projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1 \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
go run main.go \
--mode client \
--serverAddress http://localhost:8080/ \
--keyType=KMS \
--keyUri=projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1 \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
The encrypted envelope as displayed on the server would look like the following where the DEK
is encrypted with the KMS key
I0306 12:47:34.765568 95349 main.go:154] EventID: 0c132bd6-1b59-4764-9742-e848fd3fde34
I0306 12:47:34.766245 95349 main.go:155] EventType: com.github.salrashid123.ce_envelope_extension
I0306 12:47:34.766269 95349 main.go:156] Event Context: Context Attributes,
specversion: 1.0
type: com.github.salrashid123.ce_envelope_extension
source: github.com/salrashid123/tink_samples
id: 0c132bd6-1b59-4764-9742-e848fd3fde34
time: 2022-03-06T17:47:34.763541417Z
datacontenttype: text/plain
envelopeencryption: {"key_uri":"projects/mineral-minutia-820/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1","dek":"CiQAVjnoXfjK/E+jlTiv5iSzhKk9Rr6kV1uivkrLLydU7aRI7UcSSQBxDtBC/6nx0JwU7T/75EDVLH7xa/UbKhEovCKGUhW8GxlaTlUjo/m6GPrlvgPsKDumARwiBrtTV/QsbZAwk27gKvJFEykMGnE=","type":3}
I0306 12:47:34.766416 95349 main.go:183] Initialize new key
I0306 12:47:35.094562 95349 main.go:193] DEK sha256 value [d09df6abac80525345f20a7e0ec57949f1375d480b32922eb0c372250e33e696]
I0306 12:47:35.094598 95349 main.go:195] HTTP Message d2VHdXFRSUdST1VycE8zbHAyY3REeXdFVUd6OWpleWw0eVVicWFwTExvY3M=
I0306 12:47:35.094614 95349 main.go:208] Event Data: foo 1
cd http/
go run main.go \
--mode server \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--keyType=TINK \
--keyUri=gcp-kms://projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1 \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
go run main.go \
--mode client \
--serverAddress http://localhost:8080/ \
--keyType=TINK \
--keyUri=gcp-kms://projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1 \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
The encrypted envelope as displayed on the server would look like the following where the DEK
is encrypted with the as TINK Wrapped KMS key
I0306 12:47:50.721414 95510 main.go:154] EventID: 14c712f6-cd18-4895-b053-ff476916e8ed
I0306 12:47:50.722129 95510 main.go:155] EventType: com.github.salrashid123.ce_envelope_extension
I0306 12:47:50.722147 95510 main.go:156] Event Context: Context Attributes,
specversion: 1.0
type: com.github.salrashid123.ce_envelope_extension
source: github.com/salrashid123/tink_samples
id: 14c712f6-cd18-4895-b053-ff476916e8ed
time: 2022-03-06T17:47:50.719923384Z
datacontenttype: text/plain
envelopeencryption: {"key_uri":"gcp-kms://projects/mineral-minutia-820/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1","dek":"{\"encryptedKeyset\":\"CiQAVjnoXdAMT/A7gAK1wvLyEH5Uai/famgXMf0WdGWBpdODLlASkwEAcQ7QQuNxQkbL86aoibxMpOjKfdhfpT7dM+TvS9DhoMPrLEUtzymDYsuknUciAM+jC0Lp00yZsckvEFL/zFgi1tpvv93SluvYg8bqSY46T13OdKrxsdmhiT1hBQ7U/RjQpuUQZvBViqFWG+gIQ7MdHjs6epm/RVsHiPxYDoaxtKVDn6/5Rts2KkYaPfEoZ5KLIx4=\",\"keysetInfo\":{\"primaryKeyId\":94079289,\"keyInfo\":[{\"typeUrl\":\"type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey\",\"status\":\"ENABLED\",\"keyId\":94079289,\"outputPrefixType\":\"TINK\"}]}}","type":0}
I0306 12:47:50.722298 95510 main.go:183] Initialize new key
I0306 12:47:51.125973 95510 main.go:193] DEK sha256 value [27c52cc80455cceed0b35219332b491bbe501805c605e5e703b82af684cc6e3a]
I0306 12:47:51.126066 95510 main.go:195] HTTP Message QVFXYmlUa21tMXpwRmtkWlFLUFUzcjMrWnJEbFQrVmIvS250TTBKMmlxMWNTK1NOQm4wPQ==
I0306 12:47:51.126109 95510 main.go:208] Event Data: foo 1
The following pubsub cloudevents sample will run a client/server in each of the three encryption modes
cd pubsub/
go run main.go \
--mode subscribe \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--topicID crypt-topic \
--subID crypt-subscribe \
--keyType=SHARED \
--dek="gUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+KbPeShVmYq3t6w" \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
go run main.go \
--mode publish \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--topicID crypt-topic \
--keyType=SHARED \
--dek="gUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+KbPeShVmYq3t6w" \
-v 20 -alsologtostderr
cd pubsub/
go run main.go \
--mode subscribe \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--topicID crypt-topic \
--subID crypt-subscribe \
--keyType=KMS \
-v 10 -alsologtostderr
go run main.go \
--mode publish \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--topicID crypt-topic \
--keyType=KMS \
--keyUri=projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1 \
-v 10 -alsologtostderr
go run main.go \
--mode subscribe \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--topicID crypt-topic \
--subID crypt-subscribe \
--keyType=TINK \
--keyUri=gcp-kms://projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1 \
-v 10 -alsologtostderr
go run main.go --mode publish \
--projectID $PROJECT_ID \
--topicID crypt-topic \
--keyType=TINK \
--keyUri=gcp-kms://projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/pubsub-kr/cryptoKeys/key1 \
-v 10 -alsologtostderr