Releases: salvogiangri/UN1CA
- Updated source firmware to S911BXXU7CXK4
- November security patches (01/11/2024)
- Added Galaxy S23 family support
- Update UN1CA Settings/Updates translations
- Add "Disable low target SDK block" in UN1CA Settings
- Enable camera shutter sound toggle
- Remove confirm dialog on Camera/Mic QP toggle
- Minor adjustments & fixes
- (A52s) Added newer bootloader support
- (A73) Added newer bootloader support
- (M52) Added newer bootloader support
- (S20 FE) Switch default kernel to queen-r8q
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: 9bfa93785aa7c09ce510e02792fee8b9
SHA1: 4d13079d81a8f244b165d789a169501bcb32b4de
Galaxy A52 5G (a52xq)
MD5: 05a2bf6b0f47f72260d8195e2fb92970
SHA1: 6df49546be5c71ddc191000ebdbc4df50039ceab
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: adaa4d699eaa916fb15e41bd29d945cd
SHA1: 416abd2a5d120a0a72d98bb2a06d199196627347
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: d8417e96484707652d0567da97f346e2
SHA1: 2d43742add36020b5b97be048655b44b2de28970
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: 64abb97f9a392e48a0bad880671e718a
SHA1: 9b6d9f1c46e25c59262b72a71ff4c681c6af01ce
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 05271892e2afa5412be82f9d1122c550
SHA1: eee641e0e6b564d53f22dc8154c5d88670b84d47
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: 2d3c60be5c22bdb0b3fdfec090b4eb74
SHA1: 75df87e64ae5b0868f57e58947798b03cfbf2442
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: acebe843fd6596d9b8c0f162c532b4a7
SHA1: 5de5557a865c8225978c3176ede3fb5d07a98df8
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: 237b8b4a8f06b3b16dca6eef097511ec
SHA1: 4d8ac4d86dba2f9107181289efd901a09cfe0a42
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: f6dd03d3b03753b8ffda04d909a1ee2a
SHA1: d638b5505f7f6cc9e934b878216862e36eb6087f
Galaxy S22 (r0q)
MD5: ea1aa5ecb87ef4f0f4d64bdf909a7dda
SHA1: 63d9a2f7bb6ce56fb659031bbaa41ae35a5ca27e
Galaxy S22+ (g0q)
MD5: 1776973ed660ec3917f6f6b8885388e2
SHA1: 6ba343899dbe110056389bb9b15040e3980c9278
Galaxy S22 Ultra (b0q)
MD5: 1c472cd943397745f703e6ac3d95a868
SHA1: b280ec3a9c01e87ed1a12c6c42b5d6f55104876e
Galaxy S23 (dm1q)
MD5: df9c2d3fcb4a83b9c023b495645a4522
SHA1: 8d8d566fc7819ca11ea43a28a52066b35733e1f5
Galaxy S23+ (dm2q)
MD5: 9669a4c9a8ea3d8d77e97683b237d886
SHA1: 1f0ca23576ba673efcabe4ab32b418f44f887472
Galaxy S23 Ultra (dm3q)
MD5: 1207995f30640d58589742d35fcc8510
SHA1: 55a0307d16c1a1ca54a715d2d7de67be74bc627c
- Updated source firmware to S911BXXS6CXI4
- October security patches (01/10/2024)
- Update UN1CA Settings/Updates translations
- Add "Copy crash log URL" feature
- Fix Smart select translate issues
- Fix Bixby Interpreter issues
- Minor adjustments & fixes
- (A71/S20 FE) Fix Google Play system updates issues
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: 6a13d596a8ca7556c218e210e0befc8c
SHA1: fd3583e71ec9532f7d90bf7afc078fbe4859a795
Galaxy A52 5G (a52xq)
MD5: e1d8274f168e7814365ad3e030ff812e
SHA1: 080ba7d795633b40284ea724bce1adfb045d0a18
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: fb8bb60943518f0bb7690fed05f8950f
SHA1: 001763d483d859180eafce37a870cee15f18c9fd
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 8360e1df8ebae093a844739c72fe9b4b
SHA1: b0f71eb17908b0dffb0efcd37b30c1e61c017d77
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: 6d1073d20f6995bf46c66b562a238635
SHA1: 3ce423ba74f4db5b6227f3b3ef67eb1156b6b0e7
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 6fb2cca2072e87449abd5e0574a1ae11
SHA1: 55b35d15c7433af276692010ab60a0af6426ba53
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: f195288c2a2953f23eaf3fc7accac4a5
SHA1: cb1f64d8fe143ccddf47cc8dc07f108d61dc8029
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: d9cf23bf8d82b060f3f1cf80943b84c0
SHA1: 9c85a29724f7fd945bd40f005e8224d01affdd83
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: aab5f828614b9c93072075b01919ef62
SHA1: a9c440fa5c708ccd4c1a8cd954b5cb11aba06135
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: 21dee24ad0462d3812dac987f159e231
SHA1: 61030acab67e7b5a382d0e96028469d0e17a6feb
Galaxy S22 (r0q)
MD5: cee1af50b216deba7852378750dd6903
SHA1: bac1ea858dc9cbb5d444ef7dc343595a213b7d70
Galaxy S22+ (g0q)
MD5: 617cfecb684f06cf53e94ec162651623
SHA1: 230a56790737c050b6294509658a4b58782b8188
Galaxy S22 Ultra (b0q)
MD5: 16cda6ad7588157f928060ffde0fced4
SHA1: 978136c4067d47886b1ea2451fa5c379fcc4e156
UN1CA 2.5.0 is out now! This update brings you new features such as One UI 6.1.1, an integrated OTA updates app, support for new devices and the usual QoL minor changes. A special thanks goes to the LineageOS Team and @tribalfs for their precious work respectively on the original OTA updates implementation and One UI libraries, without them the making of the app wouldn't have been possible. Enjoy!
- One UI 6.1.1 is here!
- Updated source firmware to S911BXXS6CXHA
- September security patches (01/09/2024)
- Added Galaxy S22 family support
- Added UN1CA Updates app
- Added multi language support in UN1CA Settings
- Serbian (@S24hype)
- Vietnamese (@lyghtlychee, @m4tthi3u)
- Minor adjustments & fixes
- (A52/A72) Remove SSRM warning at boot
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: 030b76eb926a2430685acf7f3d70ee27
SHA1: 08a97696b8cd51a2d9e15f72d481c5dd5c921f7a
Galaxy A52 5G (a52xq)
MD5: d2ac7a14ff290932b4453c88b19c6c85
SHA1: a6d56ad25feb1becbc01fda516382465183e962a
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: 1371da298ebc773ff49a89eb03075812
SHA1: 70fe4c1125c26170a2b379724fc03c5693bb4993
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 6f93ae36dea20199be7f4f6b0a637df0
SHA1: f7b0c716ae599afd2c5620d0349e7950a5d57ac5
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: 2676c3bf1b3260db6ef9a8993c19dfb2
SHA1: 5a7575d0e082f1a908508c1d04fc5e18107fd734
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: d1c114f7ffce295a9bd86150edb5c077
SHA1: 98f265f3ffa5d8351c6989281b91e01860230a0b
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: 63a16bdcdb15ae8f9f750f64be47c509
SHA1: f61d433e94ec20e40b69e5800cd790163f0f4082
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: 22b6d13a0cafebcb75ea8bbe6b2d075a
SHA1: a494f6cb22b8672c7ff52e26c8851c841a5f8aea
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: 18b9887f3ea338123987480648fb9388
SHA1: fd5fb8e15641d0b83b36b8a70243b1050b35c7e1
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: 4ec0342cb2fac704e10cdc523946095a
SHA1: cfa31fb49722b933e3c20f38ee5cdc4e69d18593
Galaxy S22 (r0q)
MD5: 7aad9a8dbd0828555840881f40e44ca9
SHA1: c478370e1f93bd336ff13fc05a0a389000d2b968
Galaxy S22+ (g0q)
MD5: 8b39eff51355cc914f42c3c1c6a72dad
SHA1: 64665d297249bdb703c62f5490d9f23f8a8752c5
Galaxy S22 Ultra (b0q)
MD5: 0255419bb2032fb342138afbfde6c1d4
SHA1: 6e2c3f40328de787f6592731b93a35a189ebf373
EDIT: An hotfix for the S20 FE (2.2.2-b7dcd90) has been released to address the screen lock change issue (#158).
- Added multi language support in UN1CA Settings
- Albanian (@RickSanchezz70)
- Arabic (@bigle30)
- Azerbaijani (@rashadgasimli)
- Bulgarian (@renoxtv)
- French (@bigle30, 1g0r)
- Hungarian (@milesahegyrol)
- Polish (@Dawid2849)
- Russian (@Butcher-S)
- Turkish (@ata-kaner, @utkustnr)
- Ukranian (@MrMasterDev)
- Updated Play Integrity Fix
- Allow more than five apps in Separate app sound settings
- Removed china call blocking feature
- Fix DeX to PC keyboard
- Minor adjustments & fixes
- (S20 FE) Fix 3rd party apps call audio issues
- (S20 FE) Fix screen lock change issues
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: 018435147dedad62759f54baf8378dda
SHA1: 5d9e10731632f1a00f9c14c9d0a76d2a18cc8751
Galaxy A52 5G (a52xq)
MD5: 387a43848735e27be56011fa258f926f
SHA1: d6e05dd08ca19bc2b212bfb8f826ab807922d598
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: c2f738a240dcbcc167a79f12c84a46a3
SHA1: 68d41d266dd668a1ad60360fff65bccd892aaa44
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 2bc7466ff00a8c988c152b41ce3eb323
SHA1: 646c9dbff4a6d8713b94ec27d70ca4c2eef33c3c
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: dfc7824c195fa7ebc5b81205f40c0890
SHA1: d646ec7aba3785f5bd002380cd4475cbbd6d3d1e
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 7404eaac3c7033e284cf53278935531c
SHA1: 696f17ab66865a814184ded51cae84bdf5ab4b0a
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: ea6620c4143f8526b11833c2d59d9b86
SHA1: a63997561c9e6573377f68861730c976fa566a89
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: 18c05fc9e0c6f811fa09c63185db5c9a
SHA1: da07f5dec2ea313b56765e1919af605cc59853d9
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: 9d38559ff9170f0b66806b992a918f01
SHA1: b6cd79b9664bfcc9169c9dfebd3aa88d01818f08
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: 64dddaa6e646ee39d2b771e6b83164d1
SHA1: b51f7387e4c8b647f0831cde950eaa7f9977dffb
- Updated source firmware to S911BXXS6CXGA
- August security patches (01/08/2024)
- Added hide dev settings toggle in UN1CA Settings
- Added disable ASKS toggle in UN1CA Settings
- Added multi language support in UN1CA Settings
- Italian
- Spanish (@ShaDisNX255, @ngdplnk)
- Deutsch (@Simon1511)
- Romanian (@DefinitelyNotAngel)
- Portuguese (@GabrielARK14)
- Allow custom Monotype fonts (@KhunHtetzNaing)
- Updated games FPS unlocker
- Minor adjustments & fixes
- (A52s) Added newer bootloader support
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: bb6a5dd5a25161eb9960e68f3f136429
SHA1: 201692883e6690134169cfc48c07b99ecefc4030
Galaxy A52 5G (a52xq)
MD5: d58fa2dfa709f028aaa94039442dfcfd
SHA1: 2089968f6f7386791002ed4bd8ee244e406576de
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: 724f7895158be094ab3877b14c17c156
SHA1: 2fc0eb4399b2243a05b816fdbd5f47c41ca84347
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 16b6445a18f6e27105d791a325e235fb
SHA1: c5196337d47a642a5dc9a1bd6b5a4e21d5c6a405
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: b996cb7f40835180fb26fe7fc69b67ec
SHA1: 53577cac673725a0f86485c0979953c1626a6305
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 31030f7a2a8dddb8187425bd49f5c7fe
SHA1: db13aea03149dbc814cf8e26ccc2f0210426cd47
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: cb5aff7946759c301c9d96b01da4f25f
SHA1: 0852cbbd5c18ef1463d6fb6ca32be2615dfd8809
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: dfaca0ea1c957dcecfb43f8d61e39c8b
SHA1: d3f063cb4bf7c5b257f31910b815b9e1cdf269ea
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: 80fd5315b507404b0ffb2c430543fd00
SHA1: d0cdbd5124ef3b13b060890b1671ea45804cbf7c
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: e44054ff8a73f85254ffce4738adae87
SHA1: 951236757b0c190164db55233220bec5853e5cd2
- Updated source firmware to S911BXXS6CXFE
- July security patches (01/07/2024)
- Allow all apps in Dual Messenger (@DavidArsene)
- Unlimited backup storage on Google Photos
- Added Disable screenshot detection toggle in UN1CA Settings
- (A52s) Added newer bootloader support
- (A73) Added newer bootloader support
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: d655167bad55676508d146144141718c
SHA1: 70e81bd98d38642d34d3641e43059cce6212cd4c
Galaxy A52 5G (a52xq)
MD5: 3a21a1cc376248af1be1acc30d873bbf
SHA1: 13847923183471166bc76ea4bf284e3035b4c535
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: 918b420157f0635fb8bbac849eaa65d3
SHA1: 74bbbf62a97c455d011a88b98708bff262075475
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 650814e7a497c3d4383e76ce52e3b0f5
SHA1: 20fa242ff4251807bd87d30d21ed37cfc17bc015
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: 80a797518ba9b6fb9039b9d506c998fa
SHA1: f3d696372a2017f613cd291dd6e340b7ef188f35
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 030b64e8a80dae6badf1b856349436ac
SHA1: ada70d7077f954d3c49672a00024f32692cde61d
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: 9c218c7ec1981ad23987adb3d5d0d1ff
SHA1: 339a351a1993ad07203ab8652748ae43d8affc05
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: 09b434608361f5f51964e206252882c2
SHA1: 4818bf3a3cfd7295966f307de716bbf302eb173b
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: 856fedc61eee8423007cac5cd290c263
SHA1: 6be031efec2b4858d1b1f1244699e954908812b2
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: b93748ce5b4e812ad9102960625648bc
SHA1: 2550a4f2a5604f9ca53926ed52204db4e9f4ee89
- Added Galaxy A52 5G support
- Added multi user feature
- Added boot sound toggle in UN1CA Settings
- Enabled power off lock settings
- Spoof bootloader status on key attestation (@chiteroman)
- Removed Play Integrity Fix root requirement
- Removed Voice focus feature
- Minor adjustments & fixes
- (A71) Fix RIL issues
- (S20 FE) Fix AI Photo Editor/Gallery features
- (S20 FE) Fix NFC issues
- (S20 FE) Fix Wi-Fi issues
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: 6ced6b10640b68a174094db1c7f60ef6
SHA1: a1abbde40209fd97b27ed567ecd3f6f882464dd9
Galaxy A52 5G (a52xq)
MD5: 92997de9a94e6bd6fed02daa275a1efb
SHA1: 3669efd0df818e203e63c3fe22ead19b217d0ff8
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: b078dcd49dcecea345fe898d84c3b974
SHA1: 01ff1cac791a8c9012439cae0c252a95ef2526aa
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: f72775ffbfce04335e668b54908bb474
SHA1: de3e96035fbe88f4573e3af8757c126094c044a9
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: 6a3d471d847c7c21261598218db896f1
SHA1: d95e89945692978fd41da44246297b2f5a0ca2b9
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 4e3d21fdbe9c806b73bc6966435b8191
SHA1: ad4451400ecb813015f16b1d09844f448a533bf7
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: e592513f06571a31c87b189ff5012dea
SHA1: fc8e0869723fcbacc3f779a71d78eefebf74ef34
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: 43d9da4bdcafce6cb1a963d1d3779d02
SHA1: 3d6cf033e5e6fe605a3038fc553fbddf5a5644f7
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: 95c9d904f4ac14db9ce56c1e383979c6
SHA1: 9a8f4bfe937df6f3605873191649165bdf0d4daf
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: d40be06b736f1a1e561ff0bc40a043e5
SHA1: 7bf1a83d6d44b7f39ea19c84a1c16ab37fd27446
- Added Galaxy S20 FE support (@ata-kaner)
- Added Galaxy S21 FE support
- Removed AOD wallpaper feature
- Added Extra brightness feature
- Added AI Photo Editor on previously unsupported devices
- Added FOD unlock animation type in UN1CA Settings
- Added Force max refresh rate toggle in UN1CA Settings
- Fixed Camera sharing feature
- Fixed rounded corners in UI
- Minor adjustments & fixes
- (M52) Fixed RIL issues
- (M52) Fixed Gallery Text extract FC
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: eb58629e4abddf4feee545762f16ebbf
SHA1: 0b8fe2635dcc5cef1aff043db7fd8d63f976bb90
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: 25c23773c14606c3c39f15985570d461
SHA1: bbc31bfb2b3334cc34c071bb515b9467ec5ef036
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 87a23c2f98ab3d22661d101ae9af8060
SHA1: f972339081b33a22e7196f93ebffb28e0222cd6b
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: c1498ba37c72788b5a8ddd4ff73910d1
SHA1: ed92c94fd9ea4f033f5ef4fc3cbc75e494b2a516
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 881a22a273267ee4bf5bad75356239ec
SHA1: 6f5441f9fe2cfb4a83180a97d52105f0baad0323
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: 35484ea003bf7c42bed73bb498ef260d
SHA1: 5a88f9c24acbd6c4f75113bc54a4eb687a1b17a7
Galaxy S20 FE (r8q)
MD5: 96f2e09d136fe54140456442ba2da601
SHA1: cfa60cbce235b267af10c44250e43b879058c1d2
Galaxy S21 FE (r9q/r9q2)
SM-G990B (r9q):
MD5: 954ff9c26f47f8d6668c0d932b31dfc6
SHA1: 0a4e96055ba072142b3bc3861b6602424b11c47a
SM-G990B2 (r9q2):
MD5: c995c1bd364378cdc1e52c52e3a9271f
SHA1: 0b92197d7a8cc4121c17a45c31d1ef03b27aaec6
Hotfix release to address a few complaints we received with the 2.0.0 release. A few notes:
- Support for more devices is planned, with S20 FE and S21 FE on the priority list. Please avoid spamming the Telegram group with useless questions, we will give you news when they are available.
- We are aware of the various file host issues (really, did we actually kill Pixeldrain?) and we are now gonna start providing multiple mirrors for the ROM (big thanks to @DefinitelyNotAngel and @alex41370 for doing God's work).
- About the missing features: test codes apps were debloated as some devices couldn't fit the OS, while AI Photo Editor is only available for A52s, M52 and A73 at the moment. I discourage to try and install it on the other devices as it won't work.
- Spamming and complaining about bugs isn't useful, helping to debug and fix them on the other hand, is. So please provide enough info and logs when reporting bugs. If you don't know how to or don't care about it, nobody's forcing you from using this ROM.
- Updated source firmware to S911BXXS5CXE9
- June security patches (01/06/2024)
- Adjust adaptive refresh rate timings (@RisenID)
- (A71) Fixed Hey Google
- (A71) Fixed Gallery Text extract FC
- (M52) Added newer bootloader support
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: 5f8e96a594da6d6e7bee080e29898559
SHA1: aac7b6b57ab1d67ecd38501a99afa4952b699adc
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: 136d1ea865a2506cccc05f70547cc307
SHA1: 6fabba0eeb78927964e32211e34b365d938a0be7
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 7727b69517f29c0e3d7ad8bce0fccd2c
SHA1: 1925404450ade9dc0e049e054438e0ee39be358c
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: 093a5543d8e6da2f47d7cd1edfc50545
SHA1: ed0895bd0632a3a5b91bbc64947d7bd5a8118eb4
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 004f66fd065a25ae7afe4f5e0fbe3364
SHA1: 121b22a6b216dfc565df5a1892686759f583150d
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: 45e37a25a23ddbd6342a1767849b31f6
SHA1: e9831eaae9beb7412f50d452f776bf206e432244
I'm proud to announce this project is alive again with this new long waited release, thanks to everyone for the patience and support. Clean flash is highly suggested if coming from a previous version. Don't panic, more devices support is on the way👀
- One UI 6.1 with Galaxy AI is here!
- Updated source firmware to S911BXXU5CXE3
- May security patches (01/05/2024)
- Disabled required Wi-Fi connection restriction for some CSCs
- Updated Play Integrity Fix
- Updated games FPS unlocker
- Added live blur toggle in UN1CA Settings
- Fixed Smart Suggestions widget not appearing
- Added AOD wallpaper feature
- Added Adaptive color tone feature
- Added Adaptive refresh rate feature
- New boot animation/sound
- Replaced default sounds/wallpapers with Galaxy S24 ones
- More debloat and system clean up
- (A71) Fixed camera app crashes due to wrong resolution
- (A71) Fixed refresh rate issues with video playback
- (A52s) Added newer bootloader support
- (A73) Added newer bootloader support
- (M52) Added newer bootloader support
Galaxy A52 (a52q)
MD5: d447c042035793818be5f77f6bd8202d
SHA1: 836eb119783c9cae0fc0ae6bd1a3db45d5fbedf9
Galaxy A52s 5G (a52sxq)
MD5: 2395861cbf8c12c0c024ffd45a905eea
SHA1: aba81bc5782eec1f104cf6a4b9789053ecc0c03c
Galaxy A71 (a71)
MD5: 5407381d385ffab790a64690b6bda673
SHA1: d0c96a142eaef82bf2c33d34708c34f546dda3a1
Galaxy A72 (a72q)
MD5: 005b2c3c63d4f2740d13e615239ec479
SHA1: 739a26cd794b4feaa5c19914139578119da844cd
Galaxy A73 5G (a73xq)
MD5: 3f991d06419766f0622aeb097ac1e673
SHA1: 0998ac3aee3c1512d753331f07661eb72c865442
Galaxy M52 5G (m52xq)
MD5: 3146e9a3c6d1975149785538069664e7
SHA1: 916deaeb328efa6fd9db730e0ec3c6d4bb44d905