This repository contains a Tableau dashboard visualizing various metrics of countries in the year 2023. The dashboard dives deep into relationships between economic prosperity, health, urbanization, and environmental impact.
The dataset world-data-2023.csv provides comprehensive statistics for different countries, encompassing:
Basic country information: Country name, abbreviation, capital city, calling code, and more. Economic indicators: GDP, tax revenue, unemployment rate, etc. Health metrics: Life expectancy, out-of-pocket health expenditure, number of physicians per thousand people, etc. Environmental data: CO2 emissions. Demographics: Population, birth rate, urban population, etc.
Top Economies & Life Expectancy 2023 Investigate the relationship between a country's economic power and the life expectancy of its citizens. The visualizations aim to answer questions like: Do richer countries tend to have longer life expectancies?
Environmental Impact & Economic Power 2023 Explore the correlation between a country's economic growth and its environmental footprint. The focus is on understanding if economic power is linked to higher emissions.
Urbanization & Economic Prosperity 2023 Analyze the link between urbanization and economic success. The sheet provides insights into whether countries with more urbanized populations have stronger economies.
Healthcare Infrastructure & Economic Prosperity 2023 Assess if countries with stronger economies invest more in their healthcare infrastructure. The visualizations indicate if wealthier countries have better healthcare access and how much citizens typically spend out-of-pocket for their health needs.