Extensions to CoreData providing a unified stack with configuration options and a simpler interface to common operations.
Use a simpler interface to the various components of a CoreData implementation instead of fooling around with separate pieces.
Want a managed object model that is merged from all of the models in your main bundle? And a persistent store coordinator with a single in-memory store using that model? And a managed object context using private queue concurrency against that coordinator? Boom!
var stack = CoreDataStack()
Want a managed object model that uses specific models and store metadata? And you've got two different stores and need main queue concurrency? Only a few lines of Swagger code needed.
let modelSource = CoreDataModelSource(models: [modelOne, modelTwo], metadata: metadata)
let inMemoryStore = CoreDataStoreParameters()
let sqliteStore = CoreDataStoreParameters.SQLite(URL: storeURL, configuration: "Custom", options: nil)
let configuration = CoreDataStackConfiguration(concurrency: .MainQueueConcurrencyType, modelSource: modelSource, storeParameters: [inMemoryStore, sqliteStore])
var stack = CoreDataStack(configuration: configuration)
You no longer need to provide error pointers to get fetch errors (currently not working - bug filed with Apple). All you need to do is use or ignore the error value in the tuple returned from a fetch. The return values are mutually exclusive, so you will get EITHER a result set OR an error, but never both or neither.
func fetch(request: NSFetchRequest) -> CoreDataObjectFetchResults
func fetchIDs(request: NSFetchRequest) -> CoreDataObjectIDFetchResults
func fetchDictionaries(request: NSFetchRequest) -> CoreDataDictionaryFetchResults
func count(request: NSFetchRequest) -> CoreDataCountFetchResults
func fetch(entityName: String) -> CoreDataObjectFetchResults
func fetch(entityDescription: NSEntityDescription) -> CoreDataObjectFetchResults
Where the following type aliases are used:
typealias CoreDataObjectFetchResults = ([NSManagedObject]?, NSError?)
typealias CoreDataObjectIDFetchResults = ([NSManagedObjectID]?, NSError?)
typealias CoreDataDictionaryFetchResults = ([AnyObject]?, NSError?)
typealias CoreDataCountFetchResults = (UInt?, NSError?)
Saving changes to the managed object context is as easy as always, but now you don't have to provide an error pointer. Additionally, you can provide a closure to the save() method that will be executed before the save in a synchronous block via performBlockAndWait(). This save() method returns both a success flag and an optional error:
func save(closure: CoreDataPerformClosure? = nil) -> (Bool, NSError?)
(let success, let error) = stack.save()
(let success, let error) = stack.save() {
managedObject.property = "new value"
Find entities and their properties from the stack's more strongly-typed interface:
var entities: [NSEntityDescription]
var entitiesByName: [String:NSEntityDescription]
func entity(named name: String) -> NSEntityDescription?
func propertiesForEntity(named entityName: String) -> [NSPropertyDescription]?
func propertiesByNameForEntity(named entityName: String) -> [String:NSPropertyDescription]?
Or find the entity and properties associated with your custom class in the stack's managed object model:
class func entity(inStack stack: CoreDataStack) -> NSEntityDescription?
class func properties(inStack stack: CoreDataStack) -> [NSPropertyDescription]?
class func propertiesByName(inStack stack: CoreDataStack) -> [String:NSPropertyDescription]?
Deleting objects is very easy with the stack's flexible interface:
func delete(objects: NSManagedObject...)
func delete(objects: [NSManagedObject])
func delete(identifiers: NSManagedObjectID...)
func delete(identifiers: [NSManagedObjectID])
func delete(fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest)
Shortcuts to objectAtIndexPath
subscript(item: Int) -> NSManagedObject
(for single-section result sets)subscript(indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> NSManagedObject