The purpose of Echo is to serve ephemeral/mock endpoints created with parameters specified by clients.
Open MkDocs generated documentation in order to know
- Purpose of the service
- Definition of endpoints
- How to install the service
The service is available on AWS cloud by the link:
Feel free to try endpoints.
$ tree "echo_service"
├── # Fixtures for all tests.
├── db # module contains db configurations
│ ├── dao # Data Access Objects. Contains different classes to interact with database.
│ └── models # Package contains different models for ORMs.
├── # Startup script. Starts uvicorn.
├── services # Package for different external services such as rabbit or redis etc.
├── # Main configuration settings for project.
├── static # Static content.
├── tests # Tests for project.
└── web # Package contains web server. Handlers, startup config.
├── api # Package with all handlers.
│ └── # Main router.
├── # FastAPI application configuration.
└── # Contains actions to perform on startup and shutdown.
This project was generated using fastapi_template