The eBay Search App is a full-stack web application that allows users to search for items on eBay. The application is built with React.js for the frontend and Node.js for the backend. It integrates with the eBay API to fetch and display search results dynamically.
- Search Functionality: Users can search for items on eBay using keywords.
- Responsive Design: The application is responsive and works well on various devices.
- Item Details: Displays detailed information about each item, including title, price, and a link to the eBay listing.
- Real-time Updates: Search results update in real-time as users type their queries.
- Wishlist Feature: User's can retrieve their favorited items in this wishlist component across sessions.
- Location Autodetect and Zip Code Suggestions: Automatically detects the user's location and provides autocomplete suggestions for zip codes, enhancing convenience and efficiency.
- Carousel View with Google API Integration: A carousel view that displays items using images fetched from the Google API, providing users with an engaging and visually appealing browsing experience.
- Comprehensive Item Details: Extensive information about each item, including detailed product descriptions, multiple photos, seller information, shipping details, and suggestions for similar products, enhancing the user's understanding and decision-making process.
- Product Comparison and Filtering: Users can compare various product options side by side and apply filters based on price, name, shipping speed, and shipping cost to streamline their search and find the perfect item.
- React.js
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap (for styling)
- Node.js
- Express.js
- eBay API
- MongoDB (for data storage)
- GCP - App Engine
Live Link: ebay Search
iOS App: Demo
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