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Create a Jenkins Job that creates an inventory list
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This is a Jenkins job that gets all the nodes that fit a specified label and do multiple things:
- It will create an inventory ini file that is readable by ansible tower
- It will create a markdown table that gives a summary of the machines
- It will send a slack message listing all of the machines that are offline and their reason

This job will also push the inventory ini and summary table to either push them to git
or it will archive them.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Rubin <>
  • Loading branch information
samuel-rubin committed Apr 11, 2019
1 parent fc62379 commit 3b72be4
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Showing 3 changed files with 268 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions Jenkins_jobs/GetInventoryList.groovy
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

SETUP_LABEL: String - the label of the node that this job runs on. The default is worker
LABEL: String - the label of the machines that this job will look for
SLACK_CHANNEL: String - What channel a list of problematic machines gets sent to. If this is empty, no slack message will be sent
SSH_CREDENTIALS: Credentials - The credentials needed to push the files to git
GIT_REPO: String - The git repo to push the files to. If this is not set, the files will be archived to Jenkins
GIT_BRANCH: String - The git branch to push the files to. It defaults to master
INI_FILE: String - full path to the ini file including the filename
SUMMARY_FILE: String - full path to the summary file including the filename

@Library('NodeHelper') _

def setupLabel = (params.SETUP_LABEL ? params.SETUP_LABEL : 'worker')
jenkinsNodes = (params.LABEL ? jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getLabel(params.LABEL).getNodes() : jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getNodes())
nodeList = []

stage('Get Node information'){
def parallelJob = [:]

jenkinsNodes.each() { node ->
parallelJob["${node.getNodeName()}"] = {
parallel parallelJob
checkout scm
outputFiles = []
if (params.SUMMARY_FILE){
stage('Create Inventory Summary'){
if (params.INI_FILE){
stage('Create Inventory INI'){
if (params.SLACK_CHANNEL){

if (outputFiles){
if(params.GIT_REPO && params.GIT_BRANCH){
def date = new Date()
git url: params.GIT_REPO, branch: params.GIT_BRANCH, credentials: params.SSH_CREDENTIALS
outputFiles.each() { file ->
sh "cp ${workspace}/${file} ${file}"
sshagent([params.SSH_CREDENTIALS]) {
sh """\
git add ${outputFiles.join(' ')}
git commit -m "This File has been updated on ${date} from Jenkins"
git push origin ${params.GIT_BRANCH}
archiveArtifacts outputFiles.join(', ')
} finally {
cleanWs notFailBuild: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, deleteDirs: true

def getNodeConfig(node){

def nodeHelper = new NodeHelper()
def machineConfig = [:]
def nodeName = node.getNodeName()
def labels = nodeHelper.getLabels(nodeName)

machineConfig.put('NODE_NAME', nodeName)
machineConfig.put('HOST_NAME', nodeHelper.getHostName(nodeName))

def arch = (labels =~ ~/hw\.arch\.(\w+)/)[0][1]
def os_version = ( labels =~ /sw\.os\.(\w+)\.(\w+)/)
def os = os_version[0][1]
def osVersion = os_version[0][2]
osVersion = osVersion.replace('_', '.')

def buildType = 'none'
if (labels.contains('ci.role.test') && labels.contains('')){
buildType = 'Build and Test'
}else if (labels.contains('')){
buildType = 'Build'
} else if (labels.contains('ci.role.test')){
buildType = 'Test'

machineConfig.put('ARCH', arch)
machineConfig.put('OS', os)
machineConfig.put('OS_VERSION', osVersion)
machineConfig.put('IS_ONLINE', nodeHelper.nodeIsOnline(nodeName))
machineConfig.put('REASON', nodeHelper.getOfflineReason(nodeName).split('\n')[0])
machineConfig.put('BUILD_TYPE', buildType)

return machineConfig

def createTable(nodeList){
list = getTableElements(nodeList)
def lines = []
lines.add('| OS | VERSION | ARCH | BUILD TYPE | NUMBER |')
lines.add('| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |')
list.each() { index, config ->
lines.add('|' + [config.get('OS'), config.get('OS_VERSION'), config.get('ARCH'), config.get('BUILD_TYPE'), config.get('NUMBER')].join('|') + '|')
def output = params.SUMMARY_FILE
writeFile file: output, text: lines.join('\n') + '\n'

def sendSlack(nodeList){
notifyList = []
errorList = []
nodeList.each{ config ->
if(config.get('IS_ONLINE') == false){
notifyList.add("${config.get('NODE_NAME')}: ${config.get('REASON')}")
} else if (config.get('BUILD_TYPE') == 'none'){
notifyList.add("${config.get('NODE_NAME')}: There is no Build or Test label for this machine")
if (notifyList){
slackSend channel: params.SLACK_CHANNEL, color: 'danger', message: 'These Machines are problematic:\n' + notifyList.join('\n')

def machineTree(nodeList){
def tree = [:]

nodeList.each() { node ->
def os = node.get('OS')
def osVersion = node.get('OS_VERSION')
def arch = node.get('ARCH')

if (tree[arch] == null){
tree[arch] = [:]
if (tree[arch][os] == null){
tree[arch][os] = [:]
if (tree[arch][os][osVersion] == null){
tree[arch][os][osVersion] = []
return ['tree': tree]

def createInventoryList(nodeList){
def machines = machineTree(nodeList)
def templateFile = readFile 'Jenkins_jobs/inventory-ini.template'
def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
def template = engine.createTemplate(templateFile).make(machines)

def output = params.INI_FILE
writeFile file: output, text: template.toString()

def getTableElements(nodeList){
def tableInfo = [:]

nodeList.each() { node ->
def os = node.get('OS')
def osVersion = node.get('OS_VERSION')
def arch = node.get('ARCH')
def buildType = node.get('BUILD_TYPE')
def identifier = os + osVersion + arch + buildType

if (tableInfo.get(identifier) == null){
tableInfo[identifier] = [
OS : os,
OS_VERSION : osVersion,
ARCH : arch,
BUILD_TYPE : buildType,
} else {
tableInfo[identifier]['NUMBER'] += 1
return tableInfo
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions Jenkins_jobs/inventory-ini.template
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
tree.each() { arch, computer ->

println '\n[' + arch + ':children]'
computer.keySet().each {
println it + '-' + arch

computer.each(){ os, version ->
println '\n[' + os + '-' + arch + ':children]'

println os + it + '-' + arch
version.each() { osVersion, machines ->
println '\n[' + os + osVersion + '-' + arch + ']'

machines.each() { machineConfig ->
println machineConfig.get('NODE_NAME') + ' ansible_host=' + machineConfig.get('HOST_NAME')

} %>
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/NodeHelper.groovy
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Expand Up @@ -1227,4 +1227,38 @@ class NodeHelper {
.findAll {it.isOnline() }
.size() > 0

public String getHostName(String computerName){
def slave = Jenkins.getInstance().getSlave(computerName)

switch(slave.getLauncher().getClass()) {
case hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher:
return getHostNameSSH(slave)
case hudson.slaves.CommandLauncher:
return getHostNameCommand(slave)
return "getHostName: Launcher Not Supported"

private String getHostNameSSH(Slave slaveName){
return slaveName.getLauncher().getHost()

* This gets the command line argument for how Jenkins connects to the slave.
* This assumes that the command line contains a ssh command and it gets either the host name or ip address.
* It then returns the last ip or hostname that gets caught in a regex
private String getHostNameCommand(Slave slaveName){
def launcherCommand = slaveName.getLauncher().getCommand()
def hostMatch = (launcherCommand =~ /\w+@((?:\w||\.)+)/)
return hostMatch[hostMatch.getCount()-1][1]

public String getOfflineReason(String computerName){
return getComputer(computerName).getOfflineCauseReason()

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