A container with Google Cloud SDK, Helm, kubectl and a few lightweight helpers.
Pulling the container:
docker pull sandcastle/gcloud-helm:latest
An example of how it can be used with gitlab deployments to gcloud:
image: sandcastle/gcloud-helm:latest
stage: staging
name: staging
url: https://staging.sandcastle.io/
when: manual
GCLOUD_KEY_FILE: /tmp/gcloud-api-key.json
HELM_NAME: helloworld
- echo ${GCLOUD_API_KEYFILE} | base64 -d > ${GCLOUD_KEY_FILE}
# use of the gcloud cli
- gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file ${GCLOUD_KEY_FILE}
- gcloud beta container clusters get-credentials ${GCLOUD_CLUSTER}
--region ${GCLOUD_REGION}
--project ${GCLOUD_PROJECT}
# use of the kubetool
- kubetool ns set ${KUBE_NAMESPACE}
# init of the helm client
- helm init --client-only
- helm upgrade --install ${HELM_NAME}
--namespace "${KUBE_NAMESPACE}"
--values ./kube/helloworld/values.yaml
--set "ingress.domain=staging.sandcastle.io"
--set "image.tag=latest"
A lightweight (no deps) kubectl wrapper for working with contexts and namespaces, heavily inspired by the awesome kubectx
This tool makes the composition of common kubectl
operations in build
scripts a lot easier.
The following commands are available:
kubetool : show this message
kubetool ctx get : gets the current context
kubetool ctx set NAME : sets the current context
kubetool ctx ls,list : lists all of the contexts
kubetool ctx rename OLD NEW : renames a context from the old value to the new valud
kubetool ns get : get the current namespace for the current context
kubetool ns set NAME : set the current namespace for the current context
kubetool ns ls,list : list all namespaces for the current context
kubetool -h,--help : show this message
Without the kubetool
things like setting the namespace for the current
context take too much boilerplate:
KUBE_CTX="$(kubectl config current-context)"
kubectl config use-context "${1}" --namespace="${MY_NAMESPACE}"
With the kubetool
kubetool ns set "${MY_NAMESPACE}"
PR's are more than welcome!
🍻 Enjoy!