Ada is an AI empowered design assistant, specifically targeted at aircraft deisgn.
Currently, a variety of airfoil design capabilities are included.
Ada requires the timelimit package, which can be obtained from homebrew:
brew install timelimt
This is a work around for a known python bug where timeouts cannot be used when writing output to STDOUT.
Clone the repository
cd to the parent directory
pip install -e ada
Note that Ada manages a hidden folder in your home directory: (Home)/.ada
that will be used for managing the UI and relevant data
You must also set the following environment variables:
export OPENAI_ORG="your-openai-organization"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-key"
Note that Ada currently requires the use of GPT-4, or GPT-4-Turbo (the default). In testing, the function calling ability of GPT-3.5-Turbo has been inadequate to correctly select from the extensive function library that ships with Ada. You may choose to switch to GPT-3.5-Turbo to save money, but you do this at your own risk.
The RAG and LLM calls still use GPT-3.5-Turbo as this seems sufficient in most cases.
You must also have xfoil installed on your machine and callable as xfoil
To start the UI, first enable permissions:
cd ada
chmod 777
then start the server:
generate a naca2412 airfoil
create an xfoil analysis case
switch to airfoil 1
set alpha to 4.0
run case
plot the forces on the airfoil
plot the boundary layer
plot the momentum defect
plot the shape parameter
generate xfoil standard plot
plot the shape parameter
modify alpha to be (-10,10,15)
modify Re to be [1e6,1e7,1e8]
switch to airfoil 1
clear data
select data 1
select data 3
deselect data 1
plot the airfoil polars
This repository is no longer under active development and is not supported. As of August 2024, this software cannot be run in full on a Sandia computer due to it's depencence on the OpenAI API, which is not approved software. So long as you do not have OpenAI installed on your computer, the software can be run without issue.
Copyright 2024 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
This software is license as open source under the provided MIT License