This visualization project allows users to interactively create custom maps with arbitrary shapes and place obstacles to simulate various scenarios. By observing the A* algorithm in action, users can gain a better understanding of how it finds the optimal path in different situations.
To build this project, you need the following:
- Visual Studio 2022
- C++20
- SFML Library (Visual Studio SFML Setup Guideline)
- Download the latest release from my repository
- Unzip the file
- Run the executable named
- Mouse Left Click(or Hold) : place an obstacle at the cursor position
- Mouse Right Click(or Hold) : remove an obstacle at the cursor position
- N Field : The number of rows
- M Field : The number of columns
- Reset Button : Apply the numbers written in N and M fields and reset the map
- Start Button : Calculate a path from the source(blue block) to the destination(red block)