The srapi REST service is a programatically accessible data source for food Recipes. The API is designed to be easily integrated into web and mobiles apps.
- Scripting Language: Java
- Framework: Spring boot
- UnitTests: Jnuit
- Build automation: Maven
- Database: H2 Database
The Base URL is the root URL for all of the API, if you make a request to srapi and you get back a 404 NOT FOUND response then check the Base URL first. The Base URL for srapi is "srapi/v1/"
No authentication is required to consume the API.
When a client sends a request to the API, it can specify two HTTP Headers related to Content Negotiation
- Accept and
- Content-Type
JSON is the default format provided by the API. If a client sends a request with Accept header as 'application/json', or without specifying the Accept header, the server responds with the JSON representation of the resource.
An API client can also send requests in Extensible Markup Language(XML). To get XML representaiton of the response you need to add the Accept header application/xml.
To send a POST or PUT request with the XML request body you need to add the Content-Type header application/xml.
The Root provides information on all available resources within the API.
- The request on the Base URL should return information on all available resources. However it returns a 404 error.
Example request
curl http://localhost:8080/srapi/v1
Example response
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"path": "/srapi/v1"
- POST and PUT requests with Content-Type 'application/xml' fails with 400 Bad request error. A Recipe resource is a single meal or recipe in the database.
- recipes/ -- get all recipe resources
- recipes/{id} -- get a single recipe Example request
Example response
- id --integer primary key
- recipeName --String the name of the recipe or meal
- description -- String a short description of the recipe
- createdAt -- LocalDateTime the time the resource was created
- editedAt --LocalDateTime the time the resource was updated
- creator -- String the name of the creator of the recipe
- country --String the country where the creator lives
- prep --String the time it takes to prepare the recipe
- cook --String the time it takes for the meal to cook
- servings --String the number of servings the dish can produce
- category --Stgring the category (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- ingredients --Array the ingredients required to make the dish
- cookDirections --HashMap the steps to prepare the meal
- nutrients --Array nutrition informaiton
No. | Method | URI | Description |
1. | GET | srapi/v1/ | get all information on available resouces |
2. | GET | srapi/v1/recipes | get all the recipes in the database |
3. | GET | srapi/v1/recipes/{id} | get a specific recipe that matches id |
4. | POST | srapi/v1/recipes | create a new Recipe resource |
5. | PUT | srapi/v1/recipes/{id} | update a resource that matches id, if not found create a new resource |
6. | DELETE | srapi/v1/recipes{id} | delete a resource matched by id |
Peter Zyambo (Twitter)[]