- This repository represents " MultiVariate Classification ".
- With the help of this project we can Classifiy 4 Attributes of An Image .
- This implemantation is based on official resnet50
- In this project we have used Pretrained Model and tensorboard for image classification and checking the accuracy of the model.
- Download the dataset for custom training
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mV7EP-maKTNu2RNv6wYRnaoON9dOqLNt/view?usp=sharing
- Python 3.8+
- Tensorflow 2.9.1
- Keras
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Os
- Create virtual enviroment
$ conda create --prefix ./env python=3.8.13 -y
- Activate conda enviroment
$ conda activate ./env
- Install Required libraries
$ pip install requirements.txt
- Run setup.py
$ pip install -e.
- Run src/infrence.py To get the prediction.
- Testing with Images (Put test inages in anywhere and give the location of this image to img_path parameter inside prediction model function in src/infrence.py file)
$ python src/infrence.py
In img_path give the path of the image that you want to get prediction.
tensorboard --logdir ./logs
For Data Augumentation We can use
- changes in Angels, Rotation and lighting
- Changes in Lighting and direction + Flipping about the vertical axis
- Flipping about the horizontal axis and rotating by 90, 180, 270 degress.
- Sanjeev Kumar