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My dotfiles for macOS. Feel free to use at your own risk. Your mileage may vary.
- Installs Homebrew
- Symlinks or copies configuration files
- Sets sensible macOS defaults
- Installs binaries/apps/extensions/packages
- Configures the dock
- Sets default apps for select filetypes
- Xcode:
- Sign into App Store
- Install XCode
- Open XCode and accept the license agreement
- Copy SSH keys to
to be able to clone this repository using SSH
The automated installation is managed by a GNU Makefile. To install everything, run:
cd ~
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:sankalptipnis/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
make -s all
- Makes sudo passwordless
- Installs the core binaries: Homebrew and Bash
- Links/copies the configuration files to appropriate locations
- Sets sensible macOS defaults defined here
- Installs binaries/apps/extensions/packages:
- Binaries, apps, fonts & quicklook plugins defined in Brewfile using Homebrew
- App store apps defined in Masfile using mas
- Installs mamba into the base conda environment
- Creates conda environments defined in the
directory using mamba - Installs VSCode extensions defined in Codefile
- Imports iTerm color profiles
- Configures the dock using Dockutil: configuration is defined here
- Sets default apps for select filetypes using Duti: configuration is defined in Dutifile
PS : For full instructions (including all the manual steps + the above automated installation) to set up a new macOS system, see here.