A personal website to showcase a individual's skills and their experiences etc..
This project leverages the following technologies:
- Frontend: Angular (version, e.g., Angular 17), HTML5, Sass 1.71
- Backend: .NET Core Web API (version, e.g., .NET 5) Not yet confirmed
- Database: SQL Server Not yet confirmed
- Other Libraries/Frameworks: Tailwind and Flowbite for UI components, etc.
- Version Control: Git and GitHub
You can access the project here: Project GitHub Repository
- Developer: [Sanoj CR]
- GitHub: @sanojcr
- Email: sanoj.cr@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Sanoj CR
The project adheres to the following standards:
Code Style:
- Consistent use of TypeScript for Angular and C# for .NET.
- Code is linted using appropriate tools (e.g., TSLint or ESLint for Angular).
Folder Structure:
- Follows Angular’s recommended folder structure for frontend and a modular approach in .NET for backend.
- Unit tests implemented with Jasmine and Karma for Angular.
- Backend tests with xUnit.
- Inline documentation for methods and components.
- Separate API documentation for backend endpoints.
Git Standards:
- Follows Git branching strategy (e.g., feature, development, release, and main branches).
- Meaningful commit messages for tracking changes.
Branch Namings:
Release Branch
- Should start with release
- Then release month
- Then release year
- eg: release_sep_2024
Feature Branch
- Should start with feature
- Then release
- Then release month
- Then release year
- Then feature name
- eg: feature_release_sep_2024_create_translate