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Image of a Pipistrelle bat with red fur introducing the news

Project summary

  • Pip's NC News is my first solo coding project at Northcoders, utilising what I've learned of back-end coding so far! 👩‍💻
  • So what is it? 🙋
  • It is an API built for the purpose of accessing application data programmatically, mimicking the building of a real world back-end service and providing this information to the front-end architecture.
  • ...So what is it? 🤔
  • In more everyday terms, it's the behind-the-scenes framework for a message-board style service, such as Reddit, where users can post, delete and upvote/downvote articles and comments.

Hosted version

  • You can access the hosted version here.
  • The above link shows a list of possible endpoints and examples of inputs and outputs.
  • If it looks distinctly un-pretty on your browser, you might need to install an extension to format the JSON file!

GitHub repository

  • You can access the GitHub version here.

Image of two identical Pipistrelle bats pointing at each other

  • If you'd like to try running this repository on your local machine 💻 , you can clone it by entering the following command in your terminal: git clone
  • Then navigate into the folder using the command cd pips-nc-news.
  • After that please install the required dependencies and add the required files using the commands below.

Image of a Pipistrelle bat panicking over to-do lists

Required dependencies - minimum versions needed to run project

  • Node.js - v22.8.0 [Please install using the command npm install]
  • Postgres - v8.7.3 [Please install using the command npm install pg]
  • DotEnv - v16.0.0 [Please install using the command npm install dotenv]
  • Express - v4.21.1 [Please install using the command npm install express]

Required files

Please create the following files in order to connect to the test-data and development-data databases locally:

  • .env.test [Please add the text PGDATABASE=nc_news_test to the file.]
  • .env.development [Please add the text PGDATABASE=nc_news to the file.]

Image of a Pipistrelle bat dropping seeds

How to set up the local database

  • Please enter the command npm run setup-dbs.

How to seed the local database

  • Please enter the command npm run seed.

How to run tests

  • Please enter the command npm tests to run all the tests.
  • These are the tests that I wrote as part of TDD (Test Driven Development), a way of working which allows software developers to build robust code that their clients can have confidence in.

Image of a Pipistrelle bat looking questioning


Please enter the request GET /api to see a list of all available endpoints.

Available requests include:

  • getting all articles※
  • getting a specific article by its ID
  • getting all comments on an article※
  • getting a list of users
  • getting a list of topics
  • posting a new article
  • posting a new comment on a specific article
  • deleting a comment
  • upvoting and downvoting articles and comments

※ When returning all articles or a list of comments on an article, the results are paginated. The default is 10 per page, but this can be increased or decreased as wished.


  • To write a query, add the available query options listed for that request in GET /api.
  • For example, /api/articles?topic=coding&sort_by=author&order=desc would return a list of articles with the topic coding sorted in descending order of author.

Image of a pleased looking Pipistrelle bat

It was a fun project with which to test my newly acquired developer skills!

It gave me practice at:

  • Querying a database.
  • Using a TDD approach to cover both the happy and error paths.
  • Setting a RESTful API with a number of endpoints which cover CRUD operations.
  • Setting up parametric endpoints.
  • Handling complex queries.
  • Manipulating data to respond to client requirements.
  • Hosting a server and DB.

Please check back in the near future to see the linked front-end project! 🔗🔗

This portfolio project was created as part of a Digital Skills Bootcamp in Software Engineering provided by Northcoders

Thank you so much to the wonderful Northcoders staff and my lovely classmates for your support and encouragement!


No description, website, or topics provided.






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