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java design pattern practice (using swing for display)

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J-Paint Project Report



Project review

No missing features, but some bugs and extra features.

Extra features - MS-Paint like Copy/Paste

  • When Clicking Paste, anything in the origin select list will disappear, and the copied shapes will be in the select list. The UNDO and REDO are following the same logic.

BUG - Collision detect algorithm is not precise

  • We only checks whether the mouse pressing place is contained inside the shapes' sensing boundaries. If the mouse wants to draw a rectangle area and get all shapes covered, the area won't work, but the first click point works.

Design Notes

We implements five kinds of design patterns in our projects. Two Observer Pattern, one Adapter Pattern, one Factory Pattern, one Command Pattern and one Factory Pattern.

Observer Pattern

PaintCanvas Observes ShapeList

After the mouse event, we should paint. The Shapes we paint are stored in the shapeList, which is a singleton in the whole program.


Inside ShapeList.add() and ShapeList.remove(), notifyObservers() is called, so the PaintCanvas could repaint.

MouseObserver Observes ApplicationStates

When Mouse Mode Changes,MouseAdapter would distribute DrawMouseAdapter/SelectMouseAdapter/MoveMouseAdapter


How mouse observer dispatch different MOUSE_MODE is introduced in the next part: Adapter Pattern.

Adapter Pattern

Mouse Event Adapters for different MOUSE_MODE

The inputs of the project including the inputs from clicking GUI buttons, and inputs of mouse events. The button clicks are handled in controller.JPaintController with uiModule.addEvent, and for mouse events, we design mouse listeners extending java.awt.event.MouseAdapter. Since there are three mouse modules, "DRAW", "SELECT" and "MOVE", we introduce three mouse adapters, view.gui.mouse.DrawMouseAdapter, view.gui.mouse.SelectMouseAdapter, and view.gui.mouse.PaintMouseAdapter to correspond to different mouse modes.


In MouseObserver, different implements of MouseAdapter are adopt. When we call run, which adapter runs depends on the application status' MOUSE_MODE.

Abstract Factory Pattern

Shape Factory creating rectangles, triangles, and ellipses

There are four shapes defined in the project. When we draw, we could get Rectangle, Triangle and Ellipse. When we click group, we could get GroupShape. All the shape should support draw, select and move. So, they could all be implementing an interface IShape, with draw(), contains() and move() like methods. The shape factory uses the ApplicationState to get current shape, and gives out corresponding shape objects.


As is illustrated in the UML, CreateShapeOperator use ShapeFactory to create different shapes according to current application state's shape type. The reason why we use the CreateShapeOperator is introduced in the Command Pattern part.

Command Pattern

IOperator for Undo and Redo

Since we should be able to redo and undo, some operations should be able to act like an object. So we design an interface IUndoable, which could be stored in stack inside controler.OperationHistory. CreateShape, MoveShape, and other operators are encapsulated and pushed into stack once they are operated. When the UNDO is called, the undo stack pops and redo stack pushes; when the REDO is called, redo stack pops and undo stack pushes. // this is a picture from


The Operators' run data are stored inside class, so while performing redo and undo, the new data and old data are both stored. The new or old data are update in the ShapeList , as operators are performed.

Composite Pattern

The GroupShape

As Groups could act as a whole to be selected, moved, copied, pasted, and deleted, Groups could be treated like IShape. Moreover, Group could be added into Group, which means there could be a list of IShape describing what shapes are inside the group. That structure comes to composite pattern. The group is hierarchical and could contain other group or shapes, like directory and files. Our design is as follows:


  • When we press GROUP, the shapes in selectedList form a GroupShape and the GroupShape is added to ShapeList and selectedList with the origin selectedList candidates removed.
  • When we draw a GroupShape, each IShape in GroupShape.groupItemList call its draw() method, travelling all the shapes inside the group. Each time we draw, the GroupShape.position updates to cover all the boundaries of the IShape inside.
  • When we move a GroupShape, each IShape in GroupShape.groupItemList call its move() method, travelling all the shapes inside the group.
  • When we ungroup, the ShapeList will find the last grouped IShape, and destruct it into List<IShape>.

Future Work (TODO LIST)

  • ShapeList could be a Singleton
  • Fix bugs


java design pattern practice (using swing for display)






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